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Jeff Malinowski @ Staccato, Washington, DC

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 9:03 am
by Jeffro
Hey guys. Pardon the shameless self promotion but I just wanted to let everyone who's in the DC area know that I am playing a show this Thursday (2/24) at Staccato Bar and Lounge in Adams Morgan (18th and U). I'm doing a double bill with a great bluegrass band. There will be no cover and should be a great time. Music starts at 10pm. I hope to see some of you folks there.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 11:04 am
by tim
how far in advance do you know about your gigs? thursday nights are good for me to trek down to d.c. but i need a week or so notice so i can schedule myself off fridays.

btw, a group of us are going to the STS9 show at the 930 club this friday, feel free to roll with if the tribe is your thing.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 1:43 pm
by diesel
STS9 is not a jam band, but they sure can jam

glides review of the new sts9 album with a convo with hunter

9:30 club better have its roof screwed on tight

beware the psyconauts

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 2:59 pm
by Jeffro
tim wrote:how far in advance do you know about your gigs? thursday nights are good for me to trek down to d.c. but i need a week or so notice so i can schedule myself off fridays.
Hey tim,

Sorry for the short notice. This date was up in the air for a while and then I was busy with other stuff so I didn't get around to posting last week. I'm glad you're interested though and I'll let you know a bit in advance next time.