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Soulive 02/12 Hartford

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 8:55 am
by Caleb
I haven't really listened to this band in a long time.

Anyone going to this? Anyone seen them lately?

Good music comes to Hartford uhhh... never. (Saliva is playing at the Webster that saturday if anyone wants to get a little "Click Click Boom" on)

thoughts on Hartford

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:45 pm
by johnhk4
Although I consider myself a Long Islander for the most part, I did move to West Hartford in high school, and still reside here after college.

I am always fascinated by the lack of anything happening in Hartford. But in the same breath, I think Hartford is kind of neat. As a city it has a lot of promise. It just seems like the news makes a big deal out of all the bad stuff, since it is well documented that fear sells. so i take back that it 'seems' like it. it IS it.

I teach in a Hartford school, and there are alot of behavior problems and learning problems, but for every one of those cases, there is 3 cases of kids who come from poor families but still try really hard and do well and are pretty smart and polite. What to do with those ones, though... sometimes I don't think 'better teachers' is the answer. How much is a teacher supposed to do before thier job title switches to 'social worker' or 'substitute parent'. but this is a talk for another day.

where on earth is soulive playing in hartford? if they played at the bushnell, that'd be cool. safer area, nice venue. fleck and metheny have come through there in the past... 4 or so years. I think the best thing ever I saw in Hartford, besides our boys of course, was a free Scofield concert at Trinity when uberjam came out. And also a Miracle Orchestra show at the universtiy of hartford. But both of those were... oh god... when I was in high school... uh... like.. 7 or 8 years ago. geez.

Anyway, tell your freinds to come down town some night. Black Eyed sally's in downtown is in a safe area and has alot of good music including a jazz open mic, with lots of local muscians sitting in. also in that area is about 4 other fun places to grab a drink. It's not quite Allston and its not quite Thayer Street, but it could be!

go whalers!
- john

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 12:51 pm
by Caleb
Soulive is playing at the Warehouse... Which is some place over by the park towers... not the nicest area but what can you do?

You I work downtown, tend to frequent The Tavern on Allyn st. Was at Black Eyed's last night for dinner though!

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 1:26 pm
by Big Bob
the marco trio played at that theatre/bar place on the last tour (i went but couldnt get in :^(

and leslie helpert played at black eyed sally's last time she was around.