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Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 12:26 am
by bitchtits
Brad played a song that sounded like he looped the whole thing called "Mary Mary Shelly" ive never seen anything else about and its a sick song props to Brad, whats the word with this.

new song

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 1:51 pm
by Phrazz
I think it's actually called "Marry Mary Shelly" (or some variation). I think that was first played 9/21/02, which of course was quite some time ago. [ I don't feel "Mary Mary Shelly" makes as much sense, but who knows? Remember the thread about Dear Melina....oops, I mean Milena??? :) ).

[I actually ran into a girl named Melina the other day, started to tell her there was a Slip song named after her, but then remembered about the alternative spelling.]



Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 8:01 am
by r.c.
Mutch Better; Although reminds me of Ralph. For some reason or other.

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 1:38 pm
by mike
I think it's really "Mary, Mary Shelly." (repeated "Mary" with a comma). Brad wrote a story about this song on the old graffiti pages, and the story ended something like "... thanks Mary, Mary Shelly." I think the story was about Frankenstein.

Also, are the old graffiti pages archived somewhere?


Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 9:11 am
by r.c.
I pretty MUTCH know how to spell MUCH. However, not Hower;


1797 born, causing death of mother, Mary Wollstonecraft; grew up with
father, stepmother, stepbrother, stepsister, half brother & sister.

1814 eloped to Scotland with Percy Bysshe Shelley.

1816 married Shelley in Scotland.

1817 settled in Marlow, England, with two small children, William and
Clara; first child had died in infancy.

1818 death of Clara; publication of Frankenstein.

1819 death of William; birth of only surviving child, Percy Florence.

1822 Shelley drowned off the coast of Italy.



1835 LODORE .

1851 DIED after spending several years as an invalid;
buried in Bournemouth, England.

Despite being a good October read; FRANKENSTEIN :

IS " The immortal horror story of a hideous monster fashioned by a man who sought the secret of life----and was cursed by his creation
of a creature of death. "

but as for the authur: who would indeed Marry Mary Shelley.

Yes, her name is spelled SHELLEY, not that I am any authority
at least not mutch of one.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 5:34 pm
by etahn
yeah, I'm with Mary, Mary Shelley. I swear I heard him say it once, with the pause in there. maybe on a tape?

BAM played it at least once like (Cr)Akron or something, Lime Spider, I think.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 9:43 pm
by bear
I think its just a simple play on words. Marry Mary Shelley

Marry Mary Shelley

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 9:12 am
by r.c.
Yeah; Like....Lion Lion on a Rock.. or more like Lion Lying on a Rock....

Tomato ; TomAAHto.
Water ; Waahter ; WaaDer.

Nice to see you again!

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 9:20 pm
by Phrazz
Is that r.c. as in Royal Crown cola? With Royal Crown? Nice combo.

Are you waxing poetic? This is intriguing, indeed!

How's this for a flashback???
<img width=50% src=" ... P_2897.JPG">

Ahhh...I remember Alleghany St. That was a heck of a lot of funl!

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 3:24 pm
by rhythmicstorm
that's my old plant hanging by the door!

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 9:17 am
by r.c.
Royal Crowne of Deer Antlers...
Hey! That was my Ye Olde palm tree plant in the right corner; but what is with that ceramic bottle hanging on the right ? I know the feather girl and my right wing bandana man; but who is staring at us...right corner? He he... yeah, heck of a lot of fun, bonfires and all..if I can recall rhythmic storm was (YOU) because she bore a mirror and was basically whomever was looking at her.....

Tangent from a thread long long time ago whereas the question arose where 'The Slip' played this particulair Halloween.... Doesn't any one who was there remember those legenday jams coming from the living room from some of the legendary muscians of that particuliar time and local?
I know I can name a few...but for privacy reasons....

Anyhow waxing poetic flashback indeed.....for Autumn.

That Smell
When a Young Child
Leaps -
Into a Freshly Raked
Pile of Frail Leaves.
Loafing there
With His Good Friends
And Enemies,
Sharing the Musty Essence
From the Defunct Life
OF that Cycle.
That Scent
Will Enhance my Powers
To Call Upon the Past
For Whatever is Left
Of my Limited Presence.
Although Indefinately.

R.C. - circa.1991.
- archives.

As for a simple play on words;

The Pleasant Presence of the Present Tense.

Prov-a-dence + Pro-Vi-dence still = Providence. (a heavy load)

Nothin' Shakin' on Alleghany Street. (these days).

funny as in ha ha

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 12:16 pm
by Phrazz
I would guess by the "ha ha" that you're joking, because in the photo you are talking directly to Sammy and I know you know who he is.

As for Eisenhower, are you waiting for a meteor to fall through your roof and hit your CD player's PLAY button? You have some serious patience to have waited this long. Or maybe it's not patience...maybe it's something else. Anyhow, as I've said before, that work is a masterpiece and you're just losing out if you haven't heard it yet. Best played loudly so the neighbors can hear, but also because of all the layering that Matthew Ellard put down (vocal overdubs and all sorts of bells and whistles as well as effects). Nice to bust out the lyrics -- even the gatefold and graphics are innovative. My fave album from 2006.

Let's see if I can dig up any other old photos to rekindle your memory fires.


No Joke

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 8:42 am
by r.c.
It appears that my gaze is in between Sam and Louisa but cannot remember who the talk was to; was I talking or just checking out the feathers? Funny I did not see Fire-Man in the background my first take.
By the way I had that tatoo removed shortly after the party.

Not waiting for any meteors but funny how the time goes by so quickly.
The neighbors should be used to the Slip and The Dead bY now, but I'll try not to be so occupied this occasion, keep my ears open wide. Probably have Dawson over for a tailgate before a Patriots game or something like a Championship or even World Series game.
-Red Sox.

B.T.W: I know I have a copie of this picture somewhere in my files, likely along with the whole series and many others, as you very well know.
If they are 'dug' up and shared with the world I trust your good taste regarding photogenic matters. Does it really matter...any-way?

"Thats no moon - Its a spacestation."

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 7:49 pm
by harrymcq
To bring this meandering thread back to Marry Mary Shelley, I was just listening to 9/12/03 and wanted to confirm that the last song was indeed Marry Mary Shelley. Anyone?