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HSMF Slip painting

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 5:06 am
by conifer
It was an incredible honor to paint during the Big Meadow Slip set. I deem this to be in the toppy-top of ALL my paintings, which is huge since this notion of "live music painting" is fairly new to me. To be able to achieve what I did in an hour and a half set...I'm amazed.... What an amazing set though, and what wonderful energy was enveloping that Meadow atmosphere. Here's the painting:

I would love any input about my painting and PLEASE be as honest as necessary..I love the process of critique- ONLY... be prepared to back up what you have a problem with!;)) If anyone has any pics of this piece, It would make my week!!


Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 6:38 pm
by soraparuq
You ROCK, Colleen.
you should be super proud...
i'm super proud that you're my friend!
i think it's really gorgeous b/c of all the discombobulated shapes, very much in your style, & i swear i see a lil' profile of BRad in there on the bottom left;) kinda like that old/young woman psych trick of the eye/perception test drawing.
it's just got a really nice compositional feel to it...a lot going on, very alive, but not overwhelming.

wish everyone could see this full canvas size. super cool that it safely hung out on back of that stage the rest of the wkend there, too...a testament to how reallllly super cool HSMF vibe is, esp. this year sans sherriffs. Freedom fight the Dumb, Greedy Powers that Be.


Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 12:46 am
by tonygaboni
balls for painting in that situation, painters are fucking nuts, they make no sense but all sense to me, fucking bastards slave over a square as if they have nothing else to show and they usually dont, i cant beat that square myself, i usually end up making it white so it goes away, to much mental games in my head, really a messed up space but no one sees it. o brother what a mess.

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 12:44 pm
by appleofmyeye
I think you're painting is very energetic, exciting and so full of how chaotic and fun the experience of seeing the slip can be. Thank you for sharing.

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 5:50 pm
by harrymcq
I love the painting, would be thrilled to have it hang on my walls... also an amazing set by the Slip, I have been listening to it again and again.