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2/23/07 Paradise Boston, MA

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 12:11 pm
by Cleantone
2/23/07: Paradise Rock Club: Boston, MA

Set 1: Portrait of a Scientist as a Young Man, All I Saw Was You, Even Rats, Soft Machine, Gaunt Debutante, Life In Disguise*, Ooh Belle#, Children Of December, The Shouters, Sometimes True To Nothing
Encore: Yeah Yeahy#, Let There Be Horses, Airplane/Primitive

Sold Out Show.
* Andrew played a stratocaster, Marc played a midi keyboard
# Andrew on Steel drum.
WinterSleep and Phonograph opened

Gaunt Debutante, Ooh Belle, and Yeah Yeahy (Nathan Moore) could have been debuts but any of them could have been played the night before.

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 1:16 pm
by harrymcq
Ooh, lots of new tunes!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 2:34 pm
by Alsoa74
Very cool to hear some new tunes, I thought it was a great show. Children, though I've heard it at every show I've been to, was very solid. I met Brad outside before they went on and talked with him for a few minutes, seems like a very nice guy

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 5:18 pm
by bear
what did the 1st song used to be called? and Yeah yeahy, awesome. I love that tune.

"Here I am waiting tables......"

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 7:04 pm
by francis
: -
Notes: Stealing Bread From a Crow is (at this time) the title for what was referenced as "There's A Lie". Also "Words To A Little Song" shall be officially called Portrait of a Scientist As a Young Man. For those who would want to know.
cleantone - Mon Jan 15 21:58:32 EST 2007

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 9:42 pm
by etahn
bear wrote:what did the 1st song used to be called? and Yeah yeahy, awesome. I love that tune.

"Here I am waiting tables......"
I got a Slurpee and a hot dog, a long look on my face, whoa oh....

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 9:56 pm
by lumpy
Have you all heard Brad's version of Yea Yeahy on (in the Picking on Percy section)? It's a much sadder melody than Nathan's....I'm real excited to see it continue to pop up on setlists.

High Sierra 2005, surprise me. soundcheck 2005 was the first nathan/brad performance perhaps? And then more recently as well no?

Always great news that new songs are being written and brought out - can't wait to get a listen :)

children of decemberrrr

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 5:00 pm
by kate9487
I can't stress how happy I was that brad sang this song how he used to, like the version on the Live at Lupos disc. I was never a fan of the toned down version that is on Eisenhower, so I was glad to see some emotion back in this song. Great, solid show.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 7:56 pm
by Alsoa74
good call...the singing was very solid at paradise, mustve been the delicious smelling tea he was drinking

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 1:19 am
by SamNo.2
ouch. ... eid=184798

These guys need a break. Just in time for a tour. Yeah Rock and Roll.

I fixed the review rating

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 2:54 am
by Phrazz
That show was much better than the review gave it, though Stone Church was my favorite. Paradise still rocked as good as it did (since Fareed joined them onstage, that was the sickest I can recall).

Added: Go visit this site and give the bastard writer one star. Then delete the cookie and vote as many times as you like!!! :twisted:

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 11:10 am
by kate9487
It's the Boston Herald. The Boston Herald hates everything good and loves everything Republican. I'd be mad if this review were in a better paper, but I can give yet another middle-finger to one of the worst papers ever. And hey, any press is good press.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 11:20 am
by kate9487
One more thing:
"But it was during “December” that what was missing from Friday’s performance came clear - the band seemed tired. Brad Barr’s vocals were unusually strained, and though the musicians poured what energy they had into the gig, it seemed as if the Slip was low on reserves. It happens; they can’t all be amazing shows."

I don't want to sound like a Slip pundit, but clearly whoever wrote this hasn't been to many shows. I know I said it in an earlier post, but the way Brad sang Children of December was reminiscent of how the song used to get sung. I think he was really into the song and that it showed the incredible amount of energy the band had that night. And I don't think I'll hear any disagreements from anyone here, but I think the show was amazing, as always. Okay, just hate to get my steam out on the Hearld. Sorry...

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 6:38 pm
by booher
kate9487 wrote:One more thing:
"But it was during “December” that what was missing from Friday’s performance came clear - the band seemed tired. Brad Barr’s vocals were unusually strained, and though the musicians poured what energy they had into the gig, it seemed as if the Slip was low on reserves. It happens; they can’t all be amazing shows."

I don't want to sound like a Slip pundit, but clearly whoever wrote this hasn't been to many shows. I know I said it in an earlier post, but the way Brad sang Children of December was reminiscent of how the song used to get sung. I think he was really into the song and that it showed the incredible amount of energy the band had that night. And I don't think I'll hear any disagreements from anyone here, but I think the show was amazing, as always. Okay, just hate to get my steam out on the Hearld. Sorry...
was he singing it an octave above what he does on the album? He did at the stone church, and that's the way it should be sung. Sounds so much better when he does it that way.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 9:00 pm
booher, yeah he sang it the old way.