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Review Blogs

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 4:36 pm
by sm
hey all.

after reading tim's post about the silver jews, i was wondering if anyone else keeps a blog for show reviews or anything else of the sort?

i have one attached to my website (linked below), and i use it for all kinds of things, but certainly show reviews (or musings of how i took 'em in, hahah) are a big part of it, and of course will be ongoing. im also trying to incorporate photos and whatnot into these things, if i shoot at the show, or if i just wanna show new stuff without updating the entire portfolio.. anyways..

recently i've seen some fuckin wicked shit, and i've put up some posts about them... The Unintended last night, Small Sins (formerly the ladies and gentlemen) a couple weeks ago, and of course my montreal > buffalo slip run at the beginning of the month.. those are the most recent, anyhow. check 'em out if you're interested.


Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 1:52 pm
by tim
awesome! i'll link yours up to mine once i figure out how to do so(my brain is really hurting right now, karaoke and countless jello shots will leave you feeling like you duked it out with a mack truck).

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 12:45 pm
by headnugg
awesome pics scott.