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Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 8:26 pm
by bear
is "echo park" a duo tune? I think that Super Little song dubbed as "Was That So Long Ago" has the line "getting lost in echo park". Just wanted to make sure they didnt bust that one out...oh wait, that would be sick if they did!

the show looks fun. psyched to check out some video when i get a computer that doesnt freeze every 5 seconds. whats with "the Slip" being on the BBKing marquee? savages in that damn town...

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 4:36 pm
by putty
NYE was great!

SMMD pretty much floored me. those guys are damn good. the trading off of bands was cool at first, but it kinda bugged me after a little bit. but only for selfish reasons. my crew left at about 4 a.m., so i really wanted to see as much SMMD as possible before that point. either way, though, it was a great place to be.

and I got to meet Harry! nice to meet ya, man.

- guy in the top hat.

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 8:35 pm
by harrymcq
Echo Park is a Duo tune, all instrumental.

Nice meeting you as well putty! I liked the switching off bands thing. It really encouraged collaboration which I thought was fun. Also gave the guys lots of little breaks to party or go to the bathroom or whatever, a nice thing on NYE in the middle of the night. Though I am also a Duo fan so I did enjoy their contributions as well.

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 12:52 pm
by BrentW
I am not a big fan of the Duo. I've been a die hard MMW fan since 1995 and that's where my interests are with keyboards and such. BUT I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed this show. I wish I could have been there!