6/26 Bowery Ballroom New York City

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Post: # 22089Post SamNo.2 »

"There was nothing but trust and love between the band and their fans this night and one hopes that after their brief return to the stage The Slip will continue their ascent as one of the most creative and talented bands around. Seeing how far they have come only makes one wonder just how much further they will go."
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Post: # 22090Post tote »

Well said. And no, they didn't play Yellow Medicine. Maybe they were thinking of Wolof.
I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.
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Post: # 22091Post SamNo.2 »

"But only as The Slip do they truly bring out the musical magic that has kept fans coming back for more than a decade (the fire started burning with 1997's From The Gecko)."
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Post: # 22097Post stephen »

Musicians are notoriously lousy businessmen. I'm friends with Dave Fiuczynski and the boys in Vorcza, and half the time they can't even be bothered to post their gigs on their websites. It drives me crazy! But telling an artist that he/she needs better management can be a delicate thing....
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Post: # 22111Post booher »

You know I just don't get the vibe from the Slip that they want to take the band too much further. We all know that they enjoy playing as the Slip, but look at what's going on...Super Little, Brad's playing his own solo shows, Marc's doing his own thing, without getting into it, they're really just getting out there and doing other things. And maybe that's what the guys need. I'm not the one to say it is, but I mean, Brad being born in 1975, as he sings, Gecko was released when he was just around 22 years old and now it's 12 years later. A lot of acts don't even stick around for that long. I think it was only a matter of time before they started doing their own thing.

And for the progression of the Slip from the old jazzy Slip we knew to the band it is now, you might think that that could have some influence on the health of the band all together. Depending on who's doing the songwriting, you could imagine that it might not mesh well with the others, but they just play along because, well, that's what bands do. But that mentality and progression can only last so long before it starts to burn or even fizzle out.

I think it's quite unfair to compare these guys to Phish. Once upon a time The Slip was a jam band. I think of them much more of an entity than I do of guys who "jam." I've always been able to hear their influences in their music. What made it special, though, is how they all brought it together to create their own sound. I don't think that jam bands really share that quite as much. Obviously bringing back some old stuff and making it work would do a lot of good for the guys. But how that would fit in with the direction they want to take the band may be a lost cause in their eyes.

Who knows? All I can do is continue on with this useless speculation. The band ultimately rests in their hands.

I will say this, however. As far as promotion and management goes, it doesn't seem like they really care so much for either at this point. I can remember that even their website was much more active than it is now with news and updates and what have you. And the excitement for each show coming just had me, and I can imagine others, anticipating anxiously. I don't sense that as much anymore.
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Post: # 22113Post SamNo.2 »

The Slip will never die – not the idea of the Slip, and certainly not the music of the Slip.

This means their music, their aesthetic, their sensibility, their way of being in the world and around people, and interacting with fans – and honoring music and our group concert experience enjoying these songs together. Will. Never. Die.

Now, 10-15 years later, people may say, “Oh well, The Slip, that’s just a novelty-act.”

Fuck that shit. That’s nonsense. This band is excellent. Now.

I think the scratchy-beards at HSMF are in for a bit of a pick-me-up when they hear this set. Is it any wonder the Slip is the house band of HSMF? After all these years; and all these times?

I went out looking for a jpeg of the original Slip vertical flame logo. I was going to make it my Facebook image, but I couldn’t find it. Anywhere.

And that’s when I said no. No. This band is not over. Not by the longest shot ever in the world.

It’s not just that we have the tapes – literally hundreds of shows, from Missoula, Montana to Moscow, Idaho, and everywhere in between, from Japan to Beantown, and the Deep South, Texas, California and Canada.

This band is not done.

And shame on you for even thinking such. I may look like a naïve idiot in hindsight, but I least I went down fighting for my favorite band.

It is impossible for me to express my gratitude, respect, and appreciation to Jason Booth, Jim Crichton, Moshe Weitzman, as well as the dozens of other tapers we’ve worked with over the years.

In that respect, The Slip will truly live forever, in the ears of unfurling generations of audiophiles and musicians.

We all get older. People get bored with what they are doing. For all we know, Marc can’t stand to play another measure of The Slip’s music. Ten years ago, in a sports bar under a Eugene, Oregon freeway-bridge, Marc told me he didn’t need to hear any more Jaco references. Ha. He’s still the best bass player in the business.

And Andrew? Andrew Barr is simply the best drummer in rock and roll. Period.

Ten years ago I described the Slip as “a musician’s band” – meaning only musicians and aficionados could fully appreciate the music.

Now, in summer 2009, I have to chuckle about how wrong I was. The Slip is for everyone. I think the attendees in Quincy this weekend will know what I mean.

The Slip is here to stay.
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Post: # 22114Post booher »

Well I don't think I could ever say that they're "done." That will never be in my hands. But I'm not so sure what the band wants to do at this point. I saw the Slip the first time when they were on their "downfall", as a lot of people say. I saw their Axis, Boston, MA show April 18, 2004. I liked it and I still have the recording and appreciate a lot of what's on it (I've never, ever heard them play Clementine since that show...what a gem that one is). But they were constantly on tour. They even had Lupo's professionally recorded and put out as in album two months later in June. They kept touring until they got to 2006 and released Eisenhower and toured a hell of a lot more. About a year later, it all stopped and SMMD took over full speed from what I saw. Then you saw a lot more shows with The Duo and one of the guys, or Brad doing solo stuff, Super Little came a long...whatever momentum they had to grow and create a bigger fan base after Eisenhower, it seemed lost after their hiatus. That was up to the guys, though.

I think in the mean time, if they really want to give the fans something to soothe their ears for a while, they should compile a sort of "best of" live cd, almost like they did with the Alive albums. Both are fantastic and give listeners a true taste of what it was to see them live. Musically fascinating and at the same time being in the presence of something happening between the audience and the band members as well. The reason why I've seen the Slip more than any other band is because I get something out of seeing them every time. That's something that could help the band reach out to fans again, if you ask me.

But we all know this is all up to the guys. I heard Brad say on the NYC recording "we've been writing a lot", so maybe after HSMF we'll see a little bit more of a revival. We'll just have to see where things go from here I guess.
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Post: # 22115Post jibooer »

no yellow medicine...i think the writer was thinking of WOLOF...
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Post: # 22116Post jibooer »

I have been seeing BAM and their various incarnations for more than a decade now, and I can honestly say that I have yet to be disappointed. There are many reasons for this, one of which may be because aside for this mini-tour, my experiences have been limited to a show or two at a time. This has made my experiences with the guys quite fresh and my ears are always rewarded!

These guys are far from 'done' IMO. I have been lucky enough to see them time to time here in Montreal and I can safely say that their musical prowess is making the Barr brothers quite a sought-after commodity in this bustling close-knit musical community. They are constantly creating and producing beautiful things! This may hinder the progress of The Slip, but is it really that important? I think what most important to them is mastering their craft, and I am convinced that they feel they haven't reached their potential.

This mini-tour set the expectation level so incredibly high, that I doubt that The Slip could possibly manage to satisfy everyone's desire for a full-fledged return to the shows of Slipstory.

Those days are gone my friends, it's time to embrace the creativity and the direction they are taking. We must remember that The Slip is but only one musical vehicle of expression for BAM.
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The slip flame logo

Post: # 22156Post bitchtits »

Hey sam you should check out this page it had all the old slip web page designs and i think the old Graffiti Pages. Im sure you could find a pic of that logo you desire


all in all pretty cool enjoy,

Thrice you have rescued me from falling grace;
once when I was a beggar and you were the rain on my face,
once when I was crippled and you carried me,
and once when the blindness of others taught me how to see.

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