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Which site do you think offers the best quality dig. prints?

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 5:03 pm
by headnugg
I recently got an order back from Photoworks and I was looking at the pictures and matching them up to the originals on my computer.

Every single physical picture DID NOT look as clear and sharp as the same picture on my laptop. Is that because the laptop is always going to have a better screen resolution than a picture?

In looking at the physical pics I received from Photoworks, they were just all somewhat grainy. But when I looked at them on my laptop, some of them were much sharper and crisper and not grainy at all.

Is this just photoworks? I've used Snapfish and shutterfly too, but I haven't compared physcial pictures received from those sites to what the originals look like on my computer.

Which site do you guys think offers the best quality digital prints? It seems to me that you should be able to retain all the brightness, clarity and sharpness from the original picture you took. Why should you lose quality when you get the pics developed? I want to make a big order soon, but not if I can't get quality prints back.

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 6:16 pm
by Dan
a friend of mine went to the digital darkroom. it uses LEDs to emit light to photo sensitive paper in a digital dark room. Same classic enlarger with a special digital hook up. the prints were stellar


Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 7:56 pm
by magpie
i've mostly used ofoto, which is now kodak easyshare. not to say that they're the best, but i've used them without complaint.

costco also generally does a fine job with photo printing. my boyfriend is a photographer and he prints his work (11x14) through costco online... uploads the photos, then picks them up at the local store.

i'm not familiar with photoworks, but if you're having issues with clarity and grainyness, i would first check the upload resolution. make sure they're not optimizing for web viewing or something.

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 7:59 pm
by harrymcq
I use iPhoto on my Mac, they're not bad, I believe they are printed by kodak. Before iPhoto I used to use Ophoto which is now part of Kodak I believe. Those prints are pretty good as well. Pics are always going to look brighter on your screen because LCD or CRT it is shooting rays of light at you whereas all prints are going to be reflective.

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 2:12 pm
by headnugg
thanks for the headsup......