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Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 8:09 pm
by RKBliMelon
Does anyone else think that the slip won't be touring for much longer? I dont' know my ass from my elbow, but I don't think they are into it anymore.

Regarding my topic: the sky is lighting up, but Entrain is playing about 29 steps from my house on the top of Church St. up here in VT for jazzfest--I bet they will be forced to stop.

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 8:38 am
by tim
i actually thought about that this week, but that really doesn't mean anything though cause i think about alot of weird things everday. my gut feeling is that this is an important time in their journey so they're just making decisions with prudence. it wouldn't make much sense for them to release a new album and then hang it up(i.e. phish). maybe we've been spoiled in the past in terms of touring so that makes this time feel weird but i wouldn't get too worried yet. either way, that's life and it's their life so if they did call it quits it's by no means the end of the world because slip or no slip there will always be great music!

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 2:02 pm
by sm
i dunno.. im gonna give 'em the benefit of the doubt here..

maybe they're just really taking the time trying to make the best damn record that they can? take some time, recharge the batteries, then take the world by storm...

obviously my perspective is a little different, being in canada where they dont do nearly as much touring anyways.. but i've got my fingers crossed that once the record comes out we'll be seeing a shitload more of these guys.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 5:04 am
by Pstehley
with so many bands doing the "hiatus" thing I'm really not surprised that BAM is taking their time to work on music that soo many fans have been critical of. (sort of a reevalutaion) But also, it is probably actually giving them a chance to live thier lives instead of just living out of the bus.. ya know... spend time with friends and family... I don't blame them...

now... I can't say I'm 100% enthusiastic about it, but hey, their artists, and artists need their space at time. All I can say is wait till fall. Once they release this new album they are gonna be on the road till NYE...

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 11:33 am
by PhilfromRI
Does anyone else smell a possible breakup?

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 2:33 pm
by diesel
alright alright... everyone relax. i'm usually on the paranoia, fear, and doubt bus. but something tells me that these 3 have been through heavier shit than this. they have toured their asses off for years, so now they're doing what every band out there does, take some months off, relax, do some side things, and get back together to produce. i expect good things to come in the future from these guys.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 3:19 pm
by Cleantone
You don't work on an album for 6 months plus just to break up. We have only been spoiled with predictability in that past. RELAX!! They are making a record, not breaking up. :roll:

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 11:02 pm
by Guest
I;m not freaking out over it. That's just what I think is coming. Recording an album is great. People move on no matter what is happening.