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Yanks Fans vs. Sox Fans

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 10:21 am
by diesel
im gonna get right down to it. feel free to site examples and define or interpret this as you want:

who are the bigger assholes: Yanks fans or Sox fans

.. and begin

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 10:35 am
by JV
Sox Fans :D

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 11:54 am
by Dan
How are we the bigger assholes, you guys try all the time to make other teams feel like shit by flashing all the years. so Blah

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 12:38 pm
by tim
while fans of each team are supreme assholes, at least yankees fans have a good reason to brag. i like people from boston better than new yorkers but they do i say this politely...pathetic when it comes to the red sox.

red sox fans are just like that annoying loser you used to hang out with that always bragged about what a ladies' man he was but everyone knew damn well he never got laid. then, on one drunken night, God felt so sorry for his sad ass he hooked him up. this turned out to be the worst thing ever for the rest of the world because now everyone has to put up with this jackass talking endlessly about the one and only time he got laid.

sox fans- you are that loser. like pat said, even a blind squirrel finds a nut. enjoy it while you can kids because because you have another lifetime of lonely nights ahead of you.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 12:48 pm
by Dan
Well who has been wining!

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 1:17 pm
by tim
Dan wrote:Well who has been wining!
my point exactly!!!

since we want to play the "my team is better than yours" game only one and a half weeks into the season why don't you grab the newspaper and post the current AL east standings. you girls aren't even in contention for the wild card spot. :roll:

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 1:58 pm
by Pstehley
well.. the point boils down to this... which team are you a fan of.... :wink: :lol:

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 2:19 pm
by tim
Pstehley wrote:well.. the point boils down to this... which team are you a fan of.... :wink: :lol:
ummm....consult my avatar.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 2:52 pm
by Pstehley
no... tim.. let me "small bus" this for you...

Diesel said which team's fans were the biggest asshole... I then asked Diesel which his favorite team was, inferring that no matter what team, he was an asshole... gosh! :lol:

I'll be expecting your "thug posse" to be showing up on my door shortly... :lol:

Everyone here who thinks baseball sucks.. raise your hand!!!

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 2:53 pm
by diesel
Pstehley wrote:well.. the point boils down to this... which team are you a fan of.... :wink: :lol:
...deep thoughts by jack handy

lets get back to the topic. seriously, in the past couple of years who is the world champ of assholes??

i will be attending the Yanks Vs. O's this weekend and plan on attending a Sox Vs. O's game also. I will then follow the bastards to my local bars to observe their behavior.

dr. diesel will perform psycho-analysis with a pint in hand

Baseball fans are assholes

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 5:50 am
by Phrazz
Fan is short for "fanatic", and baseball fans are all assholes. People that find the social need to collectively root for "professional" players who make 300 times more than a well-paid hard-working individual in most other regular job really have their priorities askew. These steroid-infested thugs pick fights at any possible opening to flex their chemically-enhanced physique, sparring daily on a diamond of dust and turf in a medieval battle to prove who has more testosterone. When you take the baseball lingo (which is commonly done) to be metaphors for getting laid (striking out or making a home run, etc) you see that baseball is a bunch of slightly larger boys who really have never matured psychologically into men trying to duke it out in an arena that's gilded by the coporate elite and attended by millions of other sexually-challenged men who can't get laid so instead they find solace in rooting for their home team (whether it's winning or not is irrelevant to them -- they are fanatics, so they root anyways). Now coupled with this is the fact that most fans are also raging alcoholics, and I've only seen very few nice drunks. Most drunks are huge assholes and drunks at baseball games will beat up your kids and steal your girlfriend (who has to be crazy to follow you to a friggin' ball game)! They'll kick your dog and dent your car. They'll bump into your cart at the grocery store and ring your doorbell and run. Baseball boys never grow up, and nowhere is this more apparent than on this board. :twisted:


Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 8:36 am
by Dan
Have you ever played baseball? Out of all the sports, it is the most mentally challenging sport, always new situations and new ways to handle each one. One also must stratigize to get the best out of ones ball club. Most redsox fans are loud, irish, italian, bostonians, who since the day they were born lived breathed and showered Red Sox. A yankee fan, my age who was born to redsox loving parents, is not a fan. He is just the kid who is trying to be differnt, and for the past 3284028340938 years has had stuff to brag about.

They yankees are a very well rounded ball club. They can hit up and down, and can feild pretty well too. Red Sox arnt filled with great names, veterans that have been around forever, new guys comming up playing as hard as they could.

I have been a devout red sox fan from my very first memory of the game. I dont think baseball is as bad as hockey players, who duke it out consitantly or the dads of hockey. Football is more of an alcoholic envigorated spectator sport. True what phrazz said about the money, it is quite obsered(Sp) but comparative to everyother sport, they play atleast 2 times as many games.

I was really offended by baseball boys never grow up... granted on my highschool team, there many individuals that are getting D's and they just dont understand any plays or situations. But they are big and macho and thats what coaches see. So its tough to accept that.

Its a rivalry, has been will be. Its when adults children and teens all take their passion for their team and create a brilliant display of ferver to draw crowds and make it known to the wolrd or morespecificly the united states.


Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 8:48 am
by gabe
i read somewhere once...
"sports are too confusing; if the puck gets volleyed into the tiger woods, can i tackle the shortstop or not?"

(i think that's calvin and hobbes, edited, but that's how my brother retold it to me just now)

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 11:01 am
by tim
come on phrazz...with the exception of castro, only rat-fink commie bastards hate baseball.

think we're bad? you should see lacrosse fans :shock:

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 11:51 am
by warmsoftsimplewonder
No, you're wrong. That's not even an opinion, that's filled with misinformation.

Baseball is America's past time, at baseball games you get a good cross section of America. How many baseball games a year occur without incident, 98% of them. So, you're making an evaluation of the average baseball game and the parties involved by a 2% proposition.

Go to a thousand baseball games, if you can scientifically document this behavior, which would also entail getting a very good indicator, then I'll maybe believe you, but as a baseball fan and someone who isn't an asshole drunk, I can tell you that you are 100% wrong.