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Radiohead News

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 5:06 pm
by JV

Jonny on the Boards
March 24, 2005 05:42 PM - Posted by Dylan
Ah, actual news...

At Ease is reporting that Jonny was on the official board, dropping a few hints here and there.

Jonny Greenwood was on the official message board typing on his Apple ("you must know we're all macpod bores") today. Jonny was asked a lot of questions on the upcoming Easter weekend, where he will be playing the Royal Festival Hall.
Someone asked if Jonny is going to be conducting and another if he's still playing the ondes. Jonny: "Not conducting.. don't have the steeley glare. *frown* see ? But looking forward to it yes very much. I think I'm playing it (Ondes Martenot) at the concerts this weekend."

And if he minds that so many Radiohead fans are going to the shows. Jonny: "Not at all...why would we ? There'll be a couple of radiohead songs after all. As long us they're up for other things too..."

Some on Radiohead's current rehearsing:
Jonny: "we're all kind of *hungry* for new new new at the moment. Good songs..

...And if we can expect anything new soon: "Well, we'll have to do *something* with all the new songs.."

And then touring...

Jonny: "A fanclub tour'd be a blast... I'd need to persuade everyone though. (...) I want to go back to Hong Kong very much. And we must go to s america, iceland, and e. europe too.." On the Iceland show Jonny said: "oooh came so close last year...but want to and still talking about the place all the time. shite answer i know.."

And then some triangle advice. Jonny: "forget it.too stressful...288 bars rest, one hit. What if you're early ? What if you're LATE ?"

Finally... someone asked if he's celebrating Easter: 'no, i'll be in a concert with a sweat on. but happpy easter to you! He died for our sins, you know. Have an egg on me. better go soon... still more music to print out. Hope it sounds ok, so hard to guess till the rehearsals. (...) Well, the music for the weekend's all printed now...too late to change now...aaaagh!

Thanks to At Ease.


March 22, 2005 09:26 AM - Posted by Jonathan
From NME:

Radiohead are working on new material - and guitarist Jonny Greenwood has spoken for the first time about a rare live appearance next week in London.

As previously reported, new music from members of Radiohead will be played for the first time at the London Ether Festival.

Material penned by Thom Yorke and Jonny Greenwood will form part of The London Sinfonietta at the London Royal Festival Hall (March 27-28).

Organisers say the events will feature "two evenings of experimentation, collaboration and cross-genre juxtaposition". New music from Greenwood and Yorke will form part of the show, along with more classical composers and traditional Arabic song.

Speaking in The Guardian newspaper, Greenwood explained the challenges of the shows, and how they will influence the next Radiohead record.

He said: "I feel embarrassed talking about it. I'm so patchy. I'll be obsessed with a few composers, and know nothing about the rest. I get these enthusiasms which can drive the band crazy, but I just say: 'Listen, French horns are amazing, we've got to find a way of using them. Or I'll say, 'It would be great if this song sounded like Penderecki, or Alice Coltrane'.

"And it's childish because none of us can play jazz like Alice Coltrane, and none of us can write the kind of music that Penderecki does. We've only got guitars and a basic knowledge of music, but we reach for these things and miss. That's what's cool about it."

Speaking about working with the Sinfonietta, he added: "They're a great orchestra because they're up for radically changing things at the last minute. I cut six minutes out during rehearsals... There's something about classical musicians - they tend to be totally without ego, and so enthusiastic, but also just so talented."

However, Greenwood has ruled out working in classical music full-time, saying that his heart remains with Radiohead.

He concluded: "Radiohead is always going to be the centre of what I do. Everything starts with songs, and with Thom, and with the excitement you can get in the band when you hear new music, and you know you've got the chance to watch it mutate and change. There's nothing like that, nothing as exciting. We're rehearsing at the moment, and again it's fun. We all want to push forward, and when you have five people who are all like that, you couldn't ask for a better thing."

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 7:23 pm
by JV
no radiohead fans here?

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 7:32 pm
by Cleantone
Remember there are only what 110 members here. More importantly only 10 of us post... :lol:

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 7:33 pm
by JV
Cleantone wrote:Remember there are only what 110 members here. More importantly only 10 of us post... :lol:

aw, even clinton hates me now. sweet.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 7:42 pm
by Cleantone
I think you already know but I was more pointing out that there just is not alot of traffic here. You haven't bothered me today or any other day thus far.

But watch your step!!

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 7:49 pm
by JV

youre a good man charlie brown
we had a good thing goin a while back with those bit torrents...
thanks again for sending me copies of a few of those shows
(without asking for blanks i might add)
ill always remember what a good guy you were for doin that...

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 3:33 pm
by Big Bob
Radiohead fan i am, JV

anyone interested in the brief history of my Radiohead fandom?

well here goes:

when i was in middle school, 95.5 WBRU (providence) was the first semi-decent music that i listened to on my own accord.

they used to do a countdown all new years eve (they might still) of the top 95 songs of the year

top 95 of 95 included a song called Karma Police (it was somewhere in the middle.. the mighty bosstones' song called Knock on Wood or something was number 1.... why do i remember that?)......i hadnt heard radiohead before and was simply blown away. at the age of 11 it was the first true appreciation of art that i experienced. and i wont forget the feeling

i was young and stupid and didnt get all of their albums right away, but over the next few years i assembled a loose collection of their songs on my computer.

i kind of forgot about them as the songs got buried beneith all the shitty music i thought i was supposed to like at that age

eventually karma police randomly came on again and that blown away feeling came back and i realized that i had to buy all of their albums. i was in high school and was still young and stupid so i went overboard.

Kid A and Amnesiac came out and i became obsessed. I also became even more fond of OK Computer. I listened to these three constantly as well as the large number of b-sides that were available. I became upset when anyone would criticize them and got was the stereoype of radiohead fans.

i moved off to college and figured out that there are many other excellent bands out there.

I consider Kid A to be a masterpiece and i'm excited to see what they come out with next, after a break that they all probably needed.

im still young and stupid, but at least i realize it now

sorry if that was long and boring!

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 4:04 pm
by JV

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 4:06 pm
by diesel
i too didnt get radiohead for a while. people compared them to pink floyd and i would just laugh it off, saying to myself how can they? but some people just cant get into some albums until the right time in their lives.

i listened to ok comp when it came out and i thought it was too artsy and didnt rock enough. its funny how your attention span gets longer as you get older. now i think kid A is even better than 'ok', i like it b/c its darker, edgier stuff.

i would put this band as number 1 band that i havent seen live and i need to

whos in a bunker

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 9:00 pm
by Dan
My radiohead expirence was at a Bar MItzvah of a family memeber, and they had this booth of a green screen in the background and they would play a song and you just dance like monkeys in the background, well, the kid choose Creep, me being like the cute little 4 yearold was the star of this movie.

So i won the album from the dj and yeah thats my radio head expirence.

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 8:26 am
by Big Bob
Ether Festival Day 1 MP3s
There are many other mirrors and torrents up now, so I've taken these down before I hit my bandwidth limit. Thanks.
that's the message i got when i clicked JV's link

anyone have an idea of where another mirror or torrent may be?


Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 8:34 am
by JV
Big Bob wrote:
Ether Festival Day 1 MP3s
There are many other mirrors and torrents up now, so I've taken these down before I hit my bandwidth limit. Thanks.
that's the message i got when i clicked JV's link

anyone have an idea of where another mirror or torrent may be?

not positive...i could email you the two tunes if youd like? theyre not great...

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 9:17 am
by diesel
bt 11.27.03

kick ass show from 03 tour in earls court, london. the night before is also very good. xfm feed, so sounds great.

* i thought i posted this last night :?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 10:34 pm
by Treefrog
I reallly love hail to the thief trully think it's thier best work.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 10:11 pm
by Guest
radiohead is probably my 2nd or 3rd favorite band...every album is good excpet pablo honey, tohugh i started to appreciate it for a second. The b-sides are what have been hitting me lately...i dont have the names of them, but it sounds like one of them in a rendition of myxomatosis...cause thom screams "i donno why i feel so tongue-tied, i donno why i feel so skinned aliiiiiive" even though its liek an upbeat song. gaggin order and true love waits are easily some of the greatest acousitc works ive ever come across. I saw them live 8-13-03 in montauk, long island and it was amazing...they bascially played all of hail to the theif, some kid a, ok cimputer, and spinning plates, which is always sick live on the piano. with radiohead you can just sit back and be liek taken away. Sometimes you can do this with the slips' more ambient tunes (suffocation keep, paper birds, chasing rabbits, more intensive surveilance the most) but most of them you just sit upright cause your just liek shit this is too good(jams in fuji, wolof, nellie, and all of 11-29-03). The thing that frustrates me is that, being a freshman, there are only a few kids that would appreciate them at all and i try to share it with some of my friends but they just brush it off and go listen to fucking ska or something, or all this emo shit. indie is sweet, emo is beat.

8) i love musical discussions