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Where have the poets gone?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 1:48 pm
by appleofmyeye
I miss The Slip and SMMD but I also miss the graffiti board on the old site! Where have all the cool writings gone??? Someone please write something! It's been waaay tooo long!

On another note, I hope you're all well! Much love, appleofmyeye (A.K.A. RL)

Re: Where have the poets gone?

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 12:55 am
by the golden eternity
The Last Poem Ever

this is the last poem i ever wrote
summing up the smoke
that's been pouring out my coat
ever since my lungs lost their living

this is the last poem i ever did write
summing up the bloke
who's since given up flight;
wounded wings withheld from the wind

this is the last poem i ever writ
summing up the hope
once thought to be fit
for a future full of giving;

a sufferer's sinning