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New CD from the Mother Hips - Pacific Dust - out tomorrow!

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 1:34 am
by magpie
i don't have time at the moment to give this disc a proper review, as much as it truly deserves one. granted, yes, i love the mother hips. really, truly. but this album i have listened to more times through in the week since the cd release party than i have their previous one all told. it's really That Good. solid rock, psychedelia that rips the ether, harmonies so fucking beautiful i want to cry. if you haven't heard the mother hips, i highly recommend you do so.

i recommend really soaking in it. the whole album through. soak in it like a hot tub... oh yeah. feels good =)

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 5:20 pm
by putty
is this the best Mother Hips album? Or should I start with a different one?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 11:29 pm
by magpie
hmmm... wow, you've stumped me ;)

this is my solution:
i would get pacific dust *and* either shootout or back to the grotto. (two old ones that tie in my book). then you can see/hear where they came from and where they are now =)