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Berithen Berio

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 3:01 pm
by bouche
I just found out that Brad and Andrew have a new musical thing going called Berithen Berio. They're opening for Plants and Animals on sunday at the Black Sheep Inn in Wakefield, Quebec (25 minutes from my house!)

I really wanna go! ... st/612284/

Sun 6 Sept
8:00 pm Plants and Animals
with s/g:
Berithen Berio ( of The Slip)

Indie / Rock / Healing andEasy Listening
Tix $12

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 7:36 pm
by bradm
They did a show in Montreal back at the end of May.


Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 10:21 pm
by bouche
ahhh! I remember reading about that, sad to miss it, but it didn't seem to stick because I never heard any more of it again.

to this day, I don't know who is stopping them from authorizing and trading of their shows.

they are the internet's biggest kept secret! especially as the slip and smmd. I'm amazed at what isn't out there yet. There is so much killer content that is archived by you wonderful tapers and videographers.....cleantone has some killer vids that show up on youtube every 6 mths. Bradm takes care of our corridor, and he's been sure to make me aware of anything slip related within a 5 hour radius. Muchos Gracias.

Back to the content and branding, is Steve Jobs controlling the Barrs? Maybe a new SMMD tour will be announced at the next mac world ;)

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 9:29 am
by jibooer
thanks for the post Bouche...hope to see you at the show tonite!

very well kept secret, and unless you visit Brad's myspace page on a daily basis, you'll never know.

berithan berio has a bit of a more folksy approach, with a bit of old style blues mixed in. also leaves alot of room for guest musicians.

as far as the archive goes, i think it is a contractual issue that keeps recordings of their side projects from being circulated.

can't wait.

oh yeah, Plants and Animals is the headliner, almost forgot... :wink:

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 6:24 pm
by bouche
Heading out to wakefield in a few minutes. It's great weather to be out there. It is such a beautiful place.

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 11:11 am
by bouche
wicked show! There was an incredible turnout with little room to move about. the ensemble as included Sarah, the cute harpist from montreal.

I really dug the dirty ass heavy blues that they did with brad's acoustic kicking out some major power as he played the slide. Andrew was pounding out the beats. In these moments, sarah sat out and watched.

"Sarah through the wall" got a huge response. It was a really nice arrangement with Sarah on the harp.

It was my first time seeing Plants and Animals, and they know how to get a crowd rocking out.

That was a great combination of music.

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 1:43 pm
by harrymcq
Sounds like fun!!!

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 2:14 pm
by jibooer
Indeed Bouche, 'twas a wicked show...Sarah's arrangements did add a distinct flavour and the crowd seemed to dig it.

It was also the 1st time the wife and I have been to Wakefield and that general part of the country. We really enjoyed the drive from Montreal as the weather was great and the leaves are just starting to turn. Wakefield is a hidden gem to be honest...with all the pubs and homegrown shops on the banks of the river, with an old, and still operating steam engine train running alongside. A bit of a step back in time. The Black Sheep Inn looks out on to the river, and during the show the moon came out in full force and lit up the river. Someone also treated us to some fireworks from across the river during the set. Really cool vibe, good staff, tasty beers and good music. We couldn't ask for anything more.

It was a good size crowd for that room, and it was good to see O-town representing the hard core fans of The Slip. I am sure that they impressed the P&A fans there as well.

Don't have the full set list yet, stay tuned... but they did play 'Ooh Belle', 'Sarah Through The Wall', 'D-Gary' and 'Suffocation Keep'. I think the blues tune was a Blind Willie Johnson song, and despite Brad's cables issues (what else is new :oops: ) it added to the gritty nature. Best Slip-ish guitar solo was during 'D-gary'. Andrew was continuing his experimenting by playing a steel drum and what looked like a part of an old BBQ!

Anyways, good time had by all. Can't wait to see them again.

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:59 pm
by bear
are these soundboard recordings we're talking about or are they "contractually obligated" to not even have audience recordings circulate?

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:24 pm
by jibooer
don't really know the details, maybe cleantone can chime in on this matter...

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:14 am
by harrymcq
What contract are they even under? As far as I understand they can be very picky about what they want out there in terms of performance and recording quality... A bit frustrating sometimes obviously from a taper/fan standpoint but then again I can also understand the artist only wanting the best recordings circulating. What I think they sometimes forget is that most of the stuff they play is fucking awesome and that it would only further their careers to have it circulate far and wide as it would help turn people on to this amazing music.

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 6:59 am
by Cleantone
Harry summed it up pretty well. In my experience Brad is less keen on letting live recordings of his side and solo projects out to the general public and/or fan base. Mostly for the reasons Harry mentions. If he wasn't interested in being able to hear it himself to review the performance it probably wouldn't be recorded it at all. To go against his wishes would most likely lead to a no recording policy. Of course there may come a time that some of these older recordings can see the light of day. So we can hope for that I guess.

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:55 pm
by ScS
i see where brad is coming from, but to be honest, it doesn't make much sense. if brad wanted to hear what he was playing to review his performance, couldn't he just play at home? keeping the recordings bottled up makes little to no sense.

RE:quality of the recordings:

speaking from my experience over the past several years, the quality of slip recordings circulating has been top notch, from SMMD to Slip shows. It seems the majority of copies floating around this forum are taped by well-known and established tapers(cleantone, bradm, harry). plus, the brad solo shows that do circulate sound great. i wish brad wasn't so against releasing them.

with that said, i am glad brad and andrew are out there playing these solo shows. it'd be nice to be in the northeast so i could catch some of these performances but, alas, i am not.