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The Slip vs. SMMD (Surprise Me Mr. Davis.)

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 5:04 am
by SamNo.2
Which band do you enjoy more?

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 12:24 pm
by harrymcq
Not fair! It is like choosing between your cats or your kids or whatever...

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 2:54 pm
by SamNo.2
Really, Harry? If it came down to it, you'd have a tough time choosing between your cats and your kids? Seriously?

To me there is really no comparison. Perhaps a better analogy you might have used would have been apples and oranges, although that still doesn't really evoke the comparison.

It's more like a 1996 BMW 750IL with 95,000 miles on it vs. a 2002 Ford Escape with 23,000 miles on it, a broken transmission, and the steering is all fucked up. How's that.

I've been listening to the recent Slip run and the SMMD set at HSMF. And I reiterate, SMMD sounds like a mess, (with all due respect to NM). The Slip sounds like...The Slip, (see my recent posts.)

I know people are frustrated because they aren't hearing the "old" songs they love so much. But this band is playing fiercely now. One of the lessons I learned from The Slip a long time ago is that it's not the SONG that's important, it's the PLAYING.

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 7:41 pm
by ScS
the slip, just for the fact that they'll play, or have played i should say, shows outside of hsmf and the northeast.

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 8:27 pm
by johnhk4
clearly, a 4 to 1 ruling speaks for us all...

i have to take the slip over SMMD.

the slip seems to have that edge where jsut when you think they've lost momentum with a song, they can fall back to sheer musical talent and genius by any of the three to save it or bring it somewhere else.
SMMD, has some great songs, like songwriting wise, marketable, if i can use that word a little.

I dunno... i'm tempted sometimes to compare it to dylan and the band, but nathan is not a modern day dylan (not yet anyway, and i think that it is TOTALLY possible, nathan)... but the slip surpasses 'the band's' scope and talents tenfold. (heh, yeah)

i think that nothing definate can be said unitl the SMMD EP. they keep referencing inbetween songs in recent sets is out. that will be a HUGE moment of make or break for SMMD, in my opinion.

- johnny

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 9:35 am
by pete
Messy is fun :)

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 12:04 pm
by putty
i like the versatility of SMMD, compared to The Slip.

SMMD still has The Slip inside of it. The Slip does not have SMMD, though.

It's a no brainer, to me.

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 1:47 pm
by harrymcq
Just for the record I didn't vote. I stand by the cats and kids analogy as I think it is apt (even though we don't have kids.) If it came down to it I would pick my kids. However I love the cats very much and it would be a painful, horrible choice that I probably would regret for the rest of my life.

Honestly to echo the words of others I am just happy the guys in The Slip are playing, period. The Slip has given me worlds of wonder for the last 10 years and I hope for many more to come. The Slip have forgotten more great songs than most bands ever dream to write. Yes I can complain about the lack of diversity in their setlists or whatever but they never fail to astound me.

On the other hand Surprise Me Mr. Davis is amazing and has written some of my favorite songs by any band ever. They have blown me away with their new material as well as by mixing in the old material to create some truly wonderful setlists of late. I hope the addition of Marco is a permanent thing as well as I think he adds new worlds to their sound and brings them back a bit more to the world of improvisational music.

I wouldn't want a world without Mr. Davis (who, by the way, seem inclined not to change their name at this point!) but I wouldn't want a world without The Slip or Nathan Moore solo either... Nothing lasts so why make arbitrary choices where none have to exist?

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 3:16 pm
by bear
ALthough I LOVE LOVE LOVE surprise me if i had to choose i would rather see The Slip do their thing full time and Nathan do solo acoustic stuff full time and then have smmd be a side project - which i dont think is the case any more.

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 3:56 pm
by harrymcq
Since neither The Slip, Surprise Me nor Nathan really seem to be doing anything full time at this point there seems to be plenty of room for it all. Quite frankly I wish either The Slip or Surprise me would really make a go of it. The Slip seems to be stirring a bit again which is good and Surprise Me is talking big about 2010 but I'll believe it when I see it.

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 3:58 pm
by stephen
I'll agree with Bear on this.

Just let me know when you're coming to town and under what guise. As long as you're willing to play for the people, I'll be there.

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 4:19 pm
by tyler
As a fan of sonic experimentation and sounds I've never heard before, I have to go with The Slip. but as a fan of solid alt-country, folk, and rock songs, I have to go with SMMD.

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:22 pm
by BrentW
I'd take 2001-2004 Slip over just about any band out there today. That was a magical time for me. But in saying that, given where both bands are today, I would give the slight edge to SMMD in my book. If The Slip would dig a little deeper into their repetoire I may change my stance. Material wise I prefer what SMMD is doing right now.

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:05 pm
by booher
I went with the Slip. But I'd be lying to you if I said that Nathan's influence on the band didn't have any part of that decision, either.

slip + 1 = smmd.

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 8:44 am
by r.c.
either or / neither nor
just options -> not limitations.

I pick Slip b/c I've gone further
out of my way to be there.