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Slip 2004 Compilation.. YOU CAN HELP!!

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 12:16 pm
by Pstehley
Ok people... here's the skinny... been thinking about a compilation of 2004 slip to put up on BT and also that people can burn disks and hand them out at shows (I will, that doesn't mean other people will have to...) to up community awareness and to support BAM.....

What I need from you, is suggestions of tracks from shows throughout the year... From Suprise me Mr. Davis to anything else from the slip tour... Only stipulation.. we need to have fairly good quality tracks.. So lets start hearing suggestions and we'll see about putting this together... Let me know what you think!!

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 12:39 pm
by lumpy
I think a comp. can be a good thing to hand out at a show if you wanted to - but I know that I prefer to download entire shows.

I'm not sure that posting a compilation (particularly on would spread as far and wide as just a Slip BT project where we all try and get as many high quality seeds out there as possible.

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 12:44 pm
by tim
lumpy wrote:a Slip BT project where we all try and get as many high quality seeds out there as possible.
that's a good idea "THE APTOS PROJECT"

pat, i do think the comp is a good idea, don't listen to the poll...i stuffed the ballots :twisted:

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 1:10 pm
by Pstehley
totally agree about putting the seeds out there.. .(Aptos Project... hmmm I like that) But I think a compilation will be good for the people that aren't really sure what the slip are like and just want a taste. Ya know, especially handing them out at shows, because, amazing but true, not everyone owns a computer and/or can download shows. So I think in that regard, the compilation is a good idea, and all in all, you'll end up spending what a total of $20 to get like 50 comps and covers to hand out, that's 50 more possible fans.. right?

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 1:17 pm
by ScS
new monsoon had this project last year where they burned spindles of 100 for people to hand out at shows and in return received free admission(not saying BAM should do this, just pointing out the policy)to festivals and such.

This is a great idea for festivals where people are coming and going more often. Especially if BAM is at the fest. hand it out towards the beginning, people can go back to their tent/car and listen and if they dig go check them out. If not, they've got an extra cd in their collection that they can listen to, should they feel the need

What we could do is find a set that we feel is most presenting of BAM's talent and then hand that out. That way a person could get a feel for what BAM is doing as well as get a feel for how an actual show would sound. That way you don't lose the momentum from one track to the next.

Aptos Project is an awesome name!!!

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 1:51 pm
by lumpy
Later tonight I'll grab a show off of OZ (7/5/00 from santa cruz I think) that has a great aptos, and put it up on BT when it's done downloading.

'All I wanna know is, who's coming with me' :D

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 2:22 pm
by Pstehley
I understand what your saying SCS about picking one set.. but it won't give the change they go through in a years span... but whatever the masses decide... we'll go with...

I understand what your saying about the new monsoon project.. but I think the band has already done so much for us.. why not do our part... ya know... just my opinion.. hell if need be... I'll pay for the spindles... ya know... whatever is gonna get it done...

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 2:28 pm
by ScS
yeah, i wasn't expecting BAM to do that, just pointing out that that's what new monsoon did. almost gave extra motivation to do it. i'll do it regardless as i love the faces of people when they receive a new cd and then when they hear it, their asses are blown out of the water by the dankness of it.

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 2:49 pm
by Big Bob
If we got one together, perhaps wecould pass a few copies out at other band's shows? (MMW, soulive, etc.) Are there any rules against this?

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 2:55 pm
by Pstehley
I would say no.. and i think that is a great idea... especially if you would be at a show handing out fliers... I had a friend that got a slip cd outside of a phish show in pittsburgh... so it's as good a place as any.. I don't think any band would mind this.. ya know...

*Personal Opinion*
Good Idea!

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 3:05 pm
by Cleantone
This is a good idea we need to make happen. I'll touch on a few things here... As far as seeding full shows instead of this sampler. I think it should be both. We need to come up with a hell of a sampler. I'll make sure the recording flows well in terms of sound and volume. In addition we should be seeeding as much QUALITY Slip recordings as we can on Full shows, you know? When possable we should refrain from seeding poor(er) quality stuff though. I know BAM would appreciate that. Maybe I can get them to loosen up on some boards once and a while too. Maybe

Obviously we will be doing this out of pocket. The band has done this plenty in the past and unless then offer to fund any demo distrobution we should not be asking for that. Also I'm sure they would be happy for us to make this happen but would also want us to be smart about what we put onto any of these CD's. Performance and aural quality must be as good as possable for any of these CD's we would hand out.

Keep the ideas coming. Of course as of now selections would have to come from hobby recordings and no official releases.

I think shows from most any era can and should be put up as torrents but for the demo CDR's we would want to keep fairly current. Not dig back to the 90's or something.

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 3:10 pm
by ScS
i know this has been beaten into the ground on the graffiti pages and a little bit here.

what about putting some stuff up on the archive. The artist can have complete control over the content of what is put up there. They can tell the archive admins not to allow any uploads except from authorized personnel. this would greatly enlarge the available audience of listeners and I think a lot of us would be more than happy that shows got put up on there.

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 3:12 pm
by Cleantone
I agree about archive but I'm not sure BAM does. Next time I see them I'll try to bring it up. I always forget to ask if they have really even thought much about it. :wink:

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 3:34 pm
by Pstehley
I agree with keeping the "current" comp.. that's why I suggested "2004" sampler.. then when summer rolls around... we can make a "Spring 2005" sampler... and then a "fall 2005" sampler.. ya know.. I'm just going with what I have seen before in the past... whatever we decide.. we'll go forward with it.. .but i think as a collective.. we need to agree...

Also, Also wik.. i agree with clinton that they must be hobby recordings (I had assumed this was a given.. but...) and that they must be of good quality... only from original flac or shn... and hopefully stellar versions...

I think if we do this.. we'll really be showing that we support the band... and I'm sure they would appreciate the free advertising.. ya know...

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 4:45 pm
by Pstehley
I haven't sat down and picked any stellar versions or anything yet... but here's what I was thinking would be good song selections for the comp...

Reddish Moon
Paper Birds (I'm leaning toward the ICT version)
Even Rats (Maybe from the Colorado run)
Chasing Rabbits
Rolling Home (SMMD)
Moderate Threat>Cowboy Up (10-31-04 I think)
Wolof (from the DC show?)

Just ideas... let's hear what all of you think....