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which slip member do you have the biggest crush on?

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 1:05 am
by rhythmicstorm
sorry boys, had to do it!!

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 1:10 am
by Pstehley
sorry sara.. I understand... but I don't have a crush... although.. your kinda cute... :oops: :lol:

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 1:20 am
by Katie
Awww... no votes for Sammy yet? No one likes being picked last...

Oh wait... there's one.

Re: which slip member do you have the biggest crush on?

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 10:23 am
by tim
rhythmicstorm wrote:sorry boys, had to do it!!
hahaha, deadheat! you ladies out there should feel free to make all the female oriented threads you like...helps maintain the balance. don't worry, i'll do my best to keep the wolves at bay.

can't say i have a crush on any of the boys(or any boy for that matter) but i do heart dido!

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 11:13 am
by Dido
Ahhh tim your cute too!


Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 11:37 am
by Tara
nevermind :oops:

to the boys

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 2:31 pm
by rhythmicstorm
when i said "sorry boys" i was actually apoligising to BAM. i was fully expecting all you hardy men out there to chime in as well. you know, who do you have the biggest musical crush on?



Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 2:37 pm
by gabe
I can comfortably say as a heterosexual male that andrew is a hottie

Re: to the boys

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 2:46 pm
by ScS
rhythmicstorm wrote:you know, who do you have the biggest musical crush on?

in that case, definitely marc


Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 4:35 pm
by rhythmicstorm

why the edit?

i loved your confession.

it's the juice!!!


Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 7:48 pm
by tim

if we're talking musical crushes then it's def marc.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 8:39 pm
by Tara
Aww Sara i'm too shy. I mean this is the internet and all but I have plastered my face and my real name on this thing so I just couldn't keep it. :oops:

By the way. I went to your myspace and you have an *amazing* voice!

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 10:13 am
by SlippedDisc
I can say as a metrosexual that Andrew is mosdef a handsome man.

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 5:18 pm
by etahn
Musically speaking *ahem* STRICTLY musically speaking, I'd have to go with Andrew. Maybe its because I feel like I understand his instrument(s) a little bit better than the others, and maybe it's because I don't understand how he does what he does. Maybe it's because he'll seemingly bail on the beat, so much so that I even get lost, but when it comes around again, he's right there. Maybe it's because he wears headbands. Mostly though I think it's becasue when I listen I hear not a drummer, but a musician. Anybody can hold down a beat. But a musician speaks through his instrument(s), and the good ones tell stories, and when the really good ones tell stories, listening is like living an entire lifetime and experiencing everything you need to experience.
But then its hard to seperate one third from such a tight group.

physically speaking, it's pretty much a toss up. They're all pretty hot tickets.

Especially Brad when he wears a moustache. :wink:

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 6:39 pm
by Guest