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Well it finally happened...

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 10:17 am
by etahn
We had to write a new programming language to deal with our specific business requirements. Travel insurance is big business, and very detailed. We simply got tired of trying to fit everything through existing languages and opted to start from scratch and make one that does exactly what we want.

Now of course the first place we started was the really low-down stuff, stuff below any concept of class or object. Primitive data types like int, float, and string. Seems obvious that any language would need these constructs, right? I mean even common mathematics has a few simple building blocks like real numbers, a multiplicative operation, and an associative property.

The real beauty of creating your own language is that you define everything. There's no more adhering to someone else's rules, just because they were there first. Because now, hey! They weren't there first. We are the explorers; this is uncharted territory. So when we looked at our set of proposed primitive data types and saw things like Cruiseship and Train right next to float and bool, no one even batted an eye. Of course, when someone finally suggested the Airplane primitive, we knew the jig was up...

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 5:02 pm
by mjm
Congrats on being the first person in the history of mankind to link The Slip to domain specific languages in one post.

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 8:39 pm
by pete
My brain just split in two.