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So how about....

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 11:34 am
by nigel
the PM of Canada declaring Quebec it's own nation "within Canada" ? The Barrs have anything to do with this? They're just so pollitical 'n stuff.
-N ... index.html

Roll call for NYE???!!!???!!!

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 1:19 pm
by sm
this is an old and constant debate within Canadian politics... the timing of this is interesting, with the bloc forcing the motion and the liberal leadership convention not far away, but it seems to be mostly posturing, as a lot of experts are saying these are just words with no real legal merit.

i wish i was more knowledgeable on the whole quebec/sovereignty (sp?) thing... there's a lot of history to have to understand.

as for new years, i have no idea where i'll be....