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Suddenly Everything Has Changed

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 9:14 am
by Caleb
While the entire Soft Bulletin Cd is Mind blowing, The song by which this post is titled is on another level, I feel. I makes me think of growing up, getting old, having a house family (gasp) responsibilities, yet thinking about all the stuff that used to go on and how life used to be. any thoughts, comments questions different conclusions? another flaming lips song that stikes your fancy?
-Kalib Twali (my westport Gangstas name)

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 10:28 am
by diesel
i had this album burned for me, and it sat around for a year collecting dust. i listened to a few times, and i didnt get it. it bored me. i wasnt in the mindset. when yoshimi came out, it blew my mind, so i put in the SB, and listened and heard. what the hell was wrong withe me?! the production and music alone is so lush but not cluttered, so theres so much suttle notes and background music. its true head phone music. maybe thats why i didnt dig it before, i didnt have head phones until 3 years ago.

ok, so now im going to put this on at work, and ill come back with my fave songs, but off the top of my head, the gash, and disintegrate are awesome.

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 12:57 pm
by diesel
sleeping on the roof has to be one of the trippiest instrumentals, its like a dream sequence, theres fake bug noises, theres weird laser beam noises, and things, physical and metaphysical flying all around.

has anyone ever slept on their patio or deck, its strange but refreshing.