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pink floyd never to fly again

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 4:54 pm
by diesel
so gilmour pretty much said thats hes too old to tour anymore with floyd, and live 8 was done to burry the hatchet with roger and to end on a positive note. so what do they do?

roger is touring with nick playing dark side in europe and dave is touring with rick supporting his solo album. heres a link to a show where he pulled out echoes. im not sure if the real player link will play the whole show. i dont have real player at work ... ndex.shtml


Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 11:06 am
by Carl Crawford
When that fat old sun in the sky is falling
Summer evenin' birds are calling
Summer's thunder time of year
The sound of music in my ears
Distant bells
New mown grass smells so sweet
By the river holding hands
Roll me up and lay me down

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 10:57 am
by diesel
anyone catching roger waters on tour? i think theyre playing dark side for the second set. tix are about $100 each.

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 11:46 am
by francis
diesel wrote:anyone catching roger waters on tour? i think theyre playing dark side for the second set. tix are about $100 each.
they're that much? holy shit. i wanted to check both of the tours out.. he's been touring with mason and doing dark side. gilmore's been playing echoes... fucking echoes! along with many other under the radar songs from the barrett era.

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 12:39 pm
by gabe
i'm gonna see roger and nick in july. don't worry, i will not take it for granted.

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 12:55 pm
by Pstehley
waters tickets in Pittsburgh are like $34 for the lawn and he's playing here in Sept.. don't know if I'm gonna go or not.. saw him last time he was here... it was awesome.. one set of Floyd and one set of Waters solo.. don't know that I'm that crazy about seeing Darkside though... I'd rather see The Final Cut.... that's just me though...

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 12:56 pm
by Cleantone
Pink Floyd was less than $30 in 1994 if I recall correctly. Best show I have ever seen too. Maybe as much as $35.

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 1:24 pm
by diesel
dudes, i should have been more clear, tix are about $100 each in the seats that i found on, using the amex presale. i dont know if its worth it spend that much compare to a nice cheap lawn seat.

anyone hear anything about surround sound during this tour? it may depend on the venue, not sure.
Pstehley wrote:... one set of Floyd and one set of Waters solo.. don't know that I'm that crazy about seeing Darkside though... I'd rather see The Final Cut.... that's just me though...
the final cut?! over dark side? are you fucking kidding? i wipe my ass with that album, sometimes dude, you say the dumbest shit.

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 1:46 pm
by Pstehley
diesel wrote:
Pstehley wrote:... one set of Floyd and one set of Waters solo.. don't know that I'm that crazy about seeing Darkside though... I'd rather see The Final Cut.... that's just me though...
the final cut?! over dark side? are you fucking kidding? i wipe my ass with that album, sometimes dude, you say the dumbest shit.

sorry.. I like darkside... but it's been done... I've heard it.. and since it won't be floyd.. I could give a rats ass about seeing it... I'd rather see something that I'd want to see... differences of opinion...

I'd say fuck it.. just get the lawn seats... course.. I'm not crazy about paying $100 to see anyone.. unless it was the whole Pink Floyd line-up... then it would be sooo worth it!

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 3:34 pm
by diesel
:lol: yeah i know what you mean, but i havent seen dark side, you saw them in 94? i just think the final cut is such a crappy album, that you could have mentioned anything else by them, and i would have given you some credit.

should i expect any crazy lights for the show? if so, i'll get good seats.

as for seeing the whole lineup, theres a reason we have two kidneys.

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 3:46 pm
by Pstehley
no.. I never saw DSM.. ( I saw waters in 99).... I just really like the final cut... but for credibility.. I'd rather see Animals, Medal, or Obscurred by clouds.. or Atom heart mother... I loooove old Floyd... Dark side of the Moon is just sooo played out... although.. my favorite floyd boot of DSM is like 74 and "on the run" is just this long blues jam instead of the normal circular thing... but I'd take what I could get... as for a light show.. not sure.. try and ask around to anyone who's seen him recently.. yeah.. i'm not helpful...

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 4:20 pm
by Cleantone
my favorite floyd boot of DSM is like 74 and "on the run" is just this long blues jam instead of the normal circular thing.
Yeah Floyd toured playing DSOTM from Jan 1972 till June of 72 and then they hit the studio for the sessions. Eclipse was written for the album and the "blues jam" was what was performed in concert prior to that.

For the sake of the quadrophonic mix they are planning DSOTM makes sense. It makes sense beside that as well of course. Most known, most popular tunes etc...
I'd rather see Animals, Medal, or Obscurred by clouds.. or Atom heart mother.
The band pretty much hated Atom Heart Mother and were done with it by the end of that 1970 tour. The whole orchestra thing didn't work out as they had planned. Too hard to have that many people be on musically any given night. They hated that tour.

I personally would chose Animals since that might be my favorite album of thiers. But there is no denying that DSOTM is thier epic. Should make for a wicked show.

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 4:48 pm
by Pstehley
your right... 72... rainbow theater show.... DSOTM

I still might go to this.. but it depends.. I got 2 weddings in sept.. so don't know if we'll make it...

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 4:27 pm
by diesel

Roger Waters wants Pink Floyd reunion: Stars wants the band to play for special events

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 10:24 am
by etahn
Cleantone wrote:Pink Floyd was less than $30 in 1994 if I recall correctly. Best show I have ever seen too. Maybe as much as $35.
Hah. Rose Bowl. I was paranoid about getting searched, so I snuck joints into the venue <edit>.

Years later I snuck a hip flask into a Phish show by putting it <edit> Platonic dialogues. How's that for steganography?

ok, tangent.