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no Slip at High Sierra 2006

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 4:06 pm
by macfly
from the High Sierra message boards:
Joined: 29 Apr 2005
Posts: 23
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 2:24 pm
Post subject: NO slip at this years fest

i spoke with brad a few weeks ago at one of their shows in LA, and he informed me that they were gonna be sittin this year out. didnt really say much else except that they have been there for almost 10 straight years and they just wanna take a break before it gets stale.

oh well, seeing as i cant make it to the fest this year due to a wedding commitment, this is news that excites me knowing i wont miss them. they are always a driving force of mine at the fest, obviously not the only reason i go, but there are few things i look forward to more at high sierra than the slip, the bring the heat!!

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 4:12 pm
by Cleantone
They played HSMF in 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, and 2005. I saw none of them.

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 4:30 pm
by diesel
i guess theyre trying to shake that 'image' ...whatever image that is.

tone, that site is great!

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 7:29 pm
by Guest
Relax, they weren't announced til May or June last year. Its over 6 months away.

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 7:33 pm
by magpie

well, of the many reasons to go to high sierra, my top three are to see ThaMuseMeant, the Slip, and Surprise Me Mr Davis, as i've done the past two years. i'll be *really* bummed if the Slip sit this one out. particularly if that means they're completly sitting it out, with no smmd either. if that were the case i'd seriously consider skipping the festival.

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 9:35 pm
by lumpy
I'd be delighted if they were announced, and I'd understand if they skipped it.

High Sierra is wonderful, but I could totally see how playing the same stages on the same days for many consecutive years may get stagnant.

Personally, I've been to the last 6, and what keeps it great for me is the variety of bands that I've never heard of (and a ton who I have). This past year, I really liked old union and hot buttered rum, chris thile + mike marshall, skerik's syncopated taint septet, bill frisell (hot damn his vaudeville set was unreal), the duo, thamusemeant, etc.

So while it'd be sad to go to my first slipless high sierra, come June 29th everything will be very good.

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 3:43 am
by magpie
to be sure, lumpy...

it's true, discovering new music at high sierra is always a thrill. and the diversity of music is right on. one of my new fav's from last summer was jp cutler, and the festival closed out with one of the most incredible performances i've ever seen with the everyone orchestra. i never spend any time in camp, i'm all over the festival going from stage to stage...

yeah, i'd *consider* not going, and then change my mind of course. miss high sierra? what? hehehe...

i'll still be really bummed if they're not there though... us west coasters need every chance we get!

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 9:47 am
by diesel
yeah i've never been, and chances are will never get to go. i would love to go, but its just too much money to get out there when i have other things to take care of.

but on a side note, west coasters, havent the slip played CA atleast once a year as long as theyve toured? its just my impression, but i feel like theyre out there in SF and LA a good amount.

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 9:09 pm
by lumpy
you're right diesel - they've always done little runs surrounding high sierra, or surrounding japan trips, or when the urge hits...

We get the Slip more often than many places, but the Northeast still reigns supreme, and there is never really a doubt in the boston area that yes, this year the slip will play near me. sometimes I have that doubt out here.

I think the main bummer if the slip chose not to attend is twofold - one, they couldn't participate in the playshops at the festival, and secondly there wouldn't be any northern california shows (or would there?)

Diesel - if so inclined, i'd set aside a little high sierra fund - it is well worth it. The difference in vibe isn't an east coast/west coast difference (if those large generalities exist), but rather I think stems from how intimate, and how family friendly (with their own kids stage, parade, arts and crafts) the festival strives to be. Plus, there isn't a lot of vending at all. The occasional bloody marys for sale - but not the drug, glass, crystal, who the f knows what else kind of vending that I saw at Berkfest 03.

Anyways, to sum up: I like high sierra.

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 10:28 pm
by magpie
just remember all you west coasters... california is one friggin *huge* state, ranging in length from about florida to new york. so just cause the slip get around to LA or SF, doesn't mean the rest of california gets a taste. the slip were actually in my area a few years back, but that was before i knew who they were...

all y'all in the northeast are lucky folks, at least in this one regard...

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 11:46 am
by lumpy
Thought I should bump this to the top because Brad is a LIAR....or Jason0525 is!

This morning High Sierra sent me an e-mail with the new additions of The Slip and Surprise Me Mr. Davis!!!

Hooptis! There's a celebration :)

The lineup is looking very very good now - my girlfriend and I have our tickets already, how about you?

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 12:48 pm
by magpie
ah yes...
i got that email after returning from rehearsal late last night, and i just about jumped up and did a little dance! teeheehee...

SMMD rocked the socks of high sierra last year and they're gonna do it again!
i was planning on going to high sierra even though nothing on the list was really making me all that excited, but now... well, i can't wait can't wait can't wait... :D

see ya there, lumpy!
right up front dancing my ass off...