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216 and other Magic Numbers

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 7:05 am
by Phrazz
For all you numerologists out there....

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 2:25 pm
by Big Bob
Someone asked me today what the significance of 4:20 is. I didn't have an answer, but I checked it out on the website Phrazz posted.
420 is the smallest number divisible by 1 through 7
aaaah, that explains it..

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 8:51 pm
by JEFFfromNC

Origins of magic numbers

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 11:39 pm
by Phrazz
Thanks for the corroboration--this seems to have expanded a bit from the last time I read it (many moons ago).

I have a feeling the kids from San Rafael were onto something from the past, but they're not coming forward with the "real" source. ;-}

Snopes backs this up, but that's not to say it's not just the prevalent theory. 4:20 Biblical reference is particularly interesting (and ancient).

The number 216 also goes back thousands of years. The ancients knew math (in many ways better than we think we do).

-Groovy, baby!


Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 10:41 am
by etahn
My flight home from Cleveland (Akron, anyway) this weekend was Flight 216.

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 2:28 pm
by Dan
my house post power for a split second at 2:16 am, because 3 or my clocks blink the time they were last on.

Pretty freaky

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 12:45 am
by magpie
"2020 is a curious number."

ha. what the heck is THAT supposed to mean?

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 4:03 pm
by Guest
There's some connection between me and the #10 which = 1

The other one is 5, my favorite # since I was a small child.

Anyone know anything about the #5?

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 10:01 pm
by hoby
erlikkana wrote:Anyone know anything about the #5?
VERY powerful number. Read Robert Anton Wilson's Illuminati Trilogy for the full story.


Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 10:33 pm
by Phrazz
Good to hear from you, Hoby!

Great friggin' novel. I had to read it twice. Hagbard Celine is my hero! Boy, to cruise around in a fine sub causing all sorts of shenanigans. Oh, the Masons didn't know what hit 'em! Funny how I have all that background now so the Dan Brown books seem like an "easy read" in comparison (still, quite fun). Which brings me back to Umberto Eco...but I digress.

Funny thing is I drive by the "Big number 5" every day. The influence and decadence of that beast is beyond international (it is interplanetary!). When talking casually about it, I splurt out "meet at the bus station at the Pentagram" to see if anyone is paying attention. Sharpsters float me a smile, but sheeple are genuinely scared (religious types especially) when I say that. And marines just flash me that crosshairs-scowl. Really funny stuff. :lol:


Hail Eris!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 8:21 am
by hoby
Phrazz wrote:Good to hear from you, Hoby!
Hey Phrazz! Yeah, been gone for awhile, but I try to check in every so often.
Phrazz wrote: Great friggin' novel. I had to read it twice. Hagbard Celine is my hero! Boy, to cruise around in a fine sub causing all sorts of shenanigans. Oh, the Masons didn't know what hit 'em!
Reading those books was a crucial formative experience, coming at a time when the bulk of my recreational activities left me quite receptive to, shall we say, radical possibilities and non-traditional formulations of reality. Can't say enough about how reading those books has informed the rest of my time on this planet.

And they're an absolute blast, even without the wild sex and drugs. There's a ton of great ideas and "explanations" in those many pages.
Phrazz wrote:Funny how I have all that background now so the Dan Brown books seem like an "easy read" in comparison (still, quite fun). Which brings me back to Umberto Eco...but I digress.
I have a friend who is quite a bit younger than me and he was raving to me about the DaVinci Code so I read it and enjoyed it. My first reaction was "if you like that, you've got to read the Illuminati." So I lent him my copy and he couldn't get into it! And I think it's just as you said. The Brown book is the freshman survey course in seeing the world through a certain lens and Wilson's stuff is the Ph.D. seminar where they hand you the biiiig cup of Kool-aid on the way to your seat.
Phrazz wrote: Funny thing is I drive by the "Big number 5" every day. The influence and decadence of that beast is beyond international (it is interplanetary!). When talking casually about it, I splurt out "meet at the bus station at the Pentagram" to see if anyone is paying attention. Sharpsters float me a smile, but sheeple are genuinely scared (religious types especially) when I say that. And marines just flash me that crosshairs-scowl. Really funny stuff. :lol:

Man, I'm not sure how I would handle being that close to that monster all the time. I'm also not sure who you have to be more wary of, the scared sheeple or the crosshairs-toting marines.

Anyway, I've got to go check the Times for fnords.

Hail Eris!



Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 3:08 pm
by tote
Just ran across this one today, and I don't take this lightly, but, for me, this is just one of innumerable coincidences involving the number 216:
according to CNN today, christmas day, the death toll from the tsunami a year ago is 216,000. :shock: :cry: ... index.html

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 2:45 pm
by ScS
anyone seen "pi"?

the whole movie revolves around finding a 216digit number that will unlock the secret to the stock market as well as unlock something hidden in the torah. a great movie, but slightly bizarre.

also watched my name is earl last night and they were going through apartments to find someone to give back a birdbath and the first apartment they went to was apartment 216.

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 6:47 pm
by sm
ScS wrote:anyone seen "pi"?

the whole movie revolves around finding a 216digit number that will unlock the secret to the stock market as well as unlock something hidden in the torah. a great movie, but slightly bizarre.
hah! i was looking for something like this.....

was gonna start a thread about the 216 significance, cuz i was watching Pi before i went out to the Toronto show last weekend.... anyone else think that the dude in the movie (with that 216 digit number in his head) looks a hell of a lot like Friedman, once he shaves his head?


Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 2:02 am
by Big Bob
not quite as much as pee wee herman does.