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Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 2:33 pm
by headnugg
I want to thank SM for hooking me up!

Oink is the craziest fucking place I have ever seen. How is it even possible that they haven't been shut down?!

Right now I'm DL'ing a Wolf In Sheep's CLothing, I've had it on tape since it came out and can't wait to finally have it on disc, even though it's MP3.....

for all you Sublime fans, just found out about this site

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 9:35 pm
by headnugg
OK, serious Oink question here:

First of all does it matter how many completed windows you keep open? I have 6 torrents I'm done with and am only keeping 3 windows open right now, should/can I be keeping all 6 open at the same time? Does it effect the upload rate?

And my other concern is that out of all these windows, no one is uploading. I have an upload rate of 0 on all of them. It's obviously not my fault, but if I continue to keep them open and they never upload it will affect my ratio and the last thing I want is to get kicked off this awesome site......

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 1:27 pm
by Guest
nugg, i usually keep the popular torrents open. but since your new, i would keep open what you've downloaded so far, just so if someone else is downloading, you can up your ratio.

it also helps to click on 'my snatches' and see if theres any people downloading any torrents you've already finsihed, open those.

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 3:40 pm
by bouche
I've got an invite for someone who can FTP me a wicked, killer sounding Slip show.

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 6:10 pm
by sm
hey nugg, what a buddy of mine does sometimes is he'll find a popular torrent, whether he wants it or not, download it just to keep the window open and seed it back - make up some ratio so you can go and grab what ya want. as far as i can tell, the site basically works on an overall rating, and yeah, sometimes, you'll be on a torrent where you wont upload anything for days... might as well make it back somehow.

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 7:53 pm
by headnugg
yah, that's what I was thinking about doing.....Because it doesn't matter what torrents you keep open right, you could keep the same torrent open for a week and as long as you make up the ratio with that one torrent I think you're ok, right?

so far, I have about 8 or 9 windows I'm rotating open and there is absolutely no uploading going on.....

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 7:55 pm
by lumpy
SM - Thanks for the invite!

lordy bagordy - so much music it'll make your headspin.

I just created a torrent of JGB's "Cats Under The Stars"....I think that's the only way to get my ratio up, and Headnugg it may be yours too.

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 6:16 pm
by headnugg
So I'm trying with the window thing here and no one is biting, at this point it's really kinda bizarre that no one is uploading from me......

anyway Lumpy, when it comes to seeding and stuff like that I'm basically computer there any way you could walk me through seeding an album? You can PM me if you want/have the time, I'd really appreciate it. I'm just worried I'm going to get kicked off this site.......I'm not even in it for the albums either, I'm in it for all the hot rap mix tapes.........word

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 8:04 pm
by diesel
nugg are you behind a firewall?

heres a tasty, um nugg, for all of you: secret machines leaked album, 10 silver drops. its flying right now, i got it in 5 minutes. browse for it.

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 9:13 pm
by headnugg
I don't think I am, because when I DL from other sites like Bt.etree and Raphustle people can and do upload from me.......

But how would I find out if I am behind a firewall?

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 10:19 pm
by Cleantone
But how would I find out if I am behind a firewall?
Did you ever do the port forwarding stuff?

You probably are behind a firewall from what your posting in this thread. Go to and connect to a torrent. Then open the thread in the forum for that torrent. Find your name in the peer list. If your port numbers are RED you are firewalled. It could be your router/modem, your operating system, your virus software, or all of those at once. Are you in XP? There is a windows firewall in XP. There is a firewall in Norton and there should be one on your modem too. It is a pain in ass to figure out. good luck.

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 10:22 pm
by headnugg
I am in fact firewalled then. Anyone know how to fix that on xp?

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 8:57 am
by diesel
on xp
start>settings>control panel>security center
turn off your firewall
download zonealarm firewall (free) from

then, open your ports on your internet router
see this site for FAQ