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Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 9:48 am
by casey
tim wrote: all kidding aside, the reason the link wasn't initially put out there in an aggressive manner was to keep use of the board a bit down while it was figured out what exactly the server could handle. the main function of this site is to host alot of the audio found on the slip's sounds page. this board is just a little addition to that and admin wanted to make sure that the board would not interfere with with peoples' ability to enjoy the music.
If the admin wants to shift the server to maintain the board better, I could host the audio files.

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 12:23 pm
by Dan
can you host 80 gigs a month of bandwidth... because everytime people go to the front page... it links to the music and downloads so that digs up bandwidth... i think phrazz is set though. pretty sure thats what he will say.

I'm all set

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 8:41 pm
by Phrazz
I think Phrazz will say what Phrazz is ready to say (and most of this I've said already). A text URL is "safer" than an actual link. Bots chase links that are tagged as such -- as it were, I see some crawlers get here and ref's from other sites. If these become problematic, I block the IPs (of those sites, trying not to step on individual IP toes, but this happens occasionally which is why I usually give a warning first). We are well under the bandwidth limits of this service provider--if it's ever a problem I'll ask for help to distribute hosting content to a third site (this is more trouble that it's worth, unless the needs go up huge...which I doubt based on growth trends).

Also, it's kind of nice not to have every fool over here at once...we have a pretty good user base already. Those who are curious have sought it out and yes it's very much an elite group this hundred or so bunch of rabble-rousers and miscreants. :) It's still nice to give people a personal invitation. I still think that communication is nicer when it's personal, and networks being built are not just computers, but humans at the other end of the wire. Given that adage, it's rather passe to some, a few want to "blow the roof off" (insert your own cliche here), but that is not the goal...and it's no big deal to talk about music or nothing, doesn't all have to be Slip-related (frankly, there's only so much that can be said about any band, even our favorite one, and I very much enjoy all the talk about related bands, new albums and other random crap that sprinkles some diversity into these threads).

Still the old-schoolers on the red board may not want to join us, or else they would have asked someone already? Most here also post over there, so it's not like the door is closed...but the request about the front page and such is still outstanding and noone's really taken me up on that offer, instead there are distractions about content hosting and links topics whatever I guess there's no point anymore so why do I bother?


Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 8:52 pm
by Dan
I can design some stuff.

Are you looking for artwork, personal, or a collage of images from either your collection or others?

Will the front page have static designs or interactive designs. Just let me know your vision becuase I got some ideas too.

Re: I'm all set

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 5:42 am
by Pstehley
Phrazz wrote: Most here also post over there, so it's not like the door is closed...but the request about the front page and such is still outstanding and noone's really taken me up on that offer, instead there are distractions about content hosting and links topics whatever I guess there's no point anymore so why do I bother?

Cause you're lonely?? (was that a question??) :lol:

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 8:52 am
by bouche
My own site at eats up approx 25-30 gigs a month just from the forums alone. I don't even have any downloads available at the moment.

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 10:36 am
by JV
bouche wrote:My own site at eats up approx 25-30 gigs a month just from the forums alone. I don't even have any downloads available at the moment.
yeah, pheesh goes thru more then that in forums alone also...