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Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 9:16 am
by r.c.
sarcastic /sar'kaestik/ adj. unkind, critical.

Your " Oooooh. " goes to show that you do not respect the choice of
another to share with his 'good friends and enemies' a piece of work composed in the past and stored in a place called My Archives.

I understand your sardonic nature; but sometimes sarcasm should be kept to oneself or just shared with people you actually know.
_just my opinion, of course.

Can I buy a vowel?

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 1:46 pm
by Phrazz
I think he meant "ohhhhh", not "oooooh".

Don't let a few letters throw you off the horse.


If I can sell five O's?

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 8:16 am
by r.c.
Off the Horse and back on the Wagon, must have Slipped on a PA Rock.
Guess Martini and I did not see that perspective from your point of view.

Front to Back, Entirety, First time, Trip.
Opinion, Biased, Objective, Coherent, Quality, Care, Merit.
Best, Love, Gazillion, Plain, Flow, Heartbreaking, Beautiful.
Unfolding, Natural, Order, Born, Scrambled, Breath.
Yes, Paper Birds.

-I am biased al so a. :wink:

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 12:00 pm
by Colin
its stuff like this that makes Phrazz a good moderator


Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 10:07 pm
by pete
r.c. wrote:sarcastic /sar'kaestik/ adj. unkind, critical.

Your " Oooooh. " goes to show that you do not respect the choice of
another to share with his 'good friends and enemies' a piece of work composed in the past and stored in a place called My Archives.

I understand your sardonic nature; but sometimes sarcasm should be kept to oneself or just shared with people you actually know.
_just my opinion, of course.
Did I miss something here? I'm completely at a loss.

There are quite a few shows on featuring Public House and members of The Slip. I was just hoping that something similar would happen with this show.

Hope this clears up the misunderstanding. I have no idea what you mean by "My Archives".



Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 9:29 am
by r.c.
Ohhhhh Yes it DOES.

If you search Sliplive > Shows & Reviews > 02/27/03 > you will see a post by (r.c.) between Rhythmicstorm and Phrazz.

Included is a poem; Please read, if you will.
At the end where the credits are displayed
you will find the answer to your 'loss' and to
our misunderstanting.

This piece was composed about 15 years ago, and because I had to dig it up out of some old bound book, I decided to inform readers that the poem is not only seasonal, but dated. I believed that including the year and the source (my archives) was relevant. I guess not.

I thought you were taking a poke; And it sure enough it hit a bone.