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Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 12:59 pm
by tim
the whole viewing experience last night was pretty surreal. it wasn't the best CoD ever but i can only imagine the pressures of playing a gig like last night. i'm just super stoked for BAM right now and i hope they're happy with their appearance.

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 1:24 pm
you know, on second viewing, it sounded a lot better. i think i was nervous just to watch them

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 1:49 pm
by Rob Turner
tyler wrote: Also I liked the "April is for Max and Conan" line that Brad slipped in there... :)
So that's what he said, Ok, thanks!!

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 2:03 pm
by diesel
i thought that was a cool shout out too.

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 2:15 pm
by Jason Booth
Cleantone wrote:When I watched it again this morning I thought it sounded better than when I was drunk on whiskey last night. Sendspace or YouTube?
I totally agree. Brad was extremely nervious, perhaps more so than I've ever seen him. As such, he was his own worst enemy, and the first verse was in the wrong register and quivered a lot. Last night I felt pretty bad for them, but when I watched it today it didn't sound quite as bad as I had remembered. The mix wasn't exactly flattering for that either, as the vocals were pretty dry.

With them going towards a more vocal sound, Brad is really the make or break element of the band. No matter how amzing his playing, marc or andrew's playing, at the end of the day it comes down to Brad's vocals. When he's on, he's got this amazing quality in his voice; a kind of honesty about it - but whenever he gets nervious, insecure, or isn't feeling it, it just falls apart. Being rushed onto a stage in front of all those camera's for a 3 minute song isn't too condusive to those conditions.

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 2:50 pm
by GeMeNeYe
I agree -- they must've had a sound check (right?), but still it's tough to nail a live performance of a single song taken totally out of context of a normal performance/gig!

And I also agree re the vocals being dry in the mix. They didn't give him enough reverb!

Of course we're all over-analyzing and hyper-critical.

All in all, this was a great moment! They played well -- the vocals were solid enough, and it was a good showing!!

Congrats guys!! Leno's next!!

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 3:55 pm
They did seem real happy though. That made me happy.

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 3:57 pm
by francis

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 4:49 pm
by bouche
here it is!

After a bit of computer networking genious, I was able to remotely download a torrent home, ftp it to the webserver, then ftp it to work. I found a freeware AVI editing app and clipped the Slip and finally uploaded it to YouTube!

Oh...I now see that someone beat me to it. ah well.

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:32 pm
by diesel
:lol: nice work anyway dude

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 7:24 pm
by BeatingHippies
Yea I stayed up and as a result was 30 minutes late to work. Ouch.

Conan seemed to receive em pretty well. He doesn't drop good song to just anyone. But hes also run out on stage and say "That was stunning." so take that as you will. If Conan really likes a band he makes it pretty clear during his intro and he seemed not to really be familiar with the Slip.

Definately cool to see em on Conan though. It seemed like there were some fans in the house. Seemed like more screaming for the Slip then anyone else.

I feel as though I shoulda gone down and tried to get in. Woulda been fun to be there.

Oh yea, I liked it even though it was very short and to the point.

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 7:37 pm
by Stankdog211
I agree - surreal to see them on Conan. I thought it sounded good, considering the nervousness and... well, package The Slip up and present them in 4 minutes? You know?

Anyway, congrats to BAM for fucking shit up old school...

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 12:15 am
by magpie
yeah, didn't sound to me that the vocals were dialed in too well, the mic seemed a little hot. and brad seemed to have trouble staying up on the mic... i wondered if it may have been up too high for him (he seemed to have to reach his neck for it at times)? his voice cracked and sounded strained in several places, i thought perhaps he had a cold or something. *shrug*
but you know,
none of that means much. it's friggin awesome they were on conan, and overall the performance was pretty damned good. reigned in for time and tv-land, but not much they could do about that. the max and conan line was pretty slick too...

rock on!

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 9:24 am
by diesel
theres a lot of brads voice dissing going on and i've made my share of cuts in the past too, but i've been listening to this without the video, and i cant hear his voice cracking or being 'not dialed in' or 'dry' other than in the first verse. as he loosens up the chorus and 2nd verse sound fine to me. not amazing, but pretty par. i do agree that a little reverb would have helped and made it more dense.

what makes this song stick out is marc. marc again and again impresses me. the samples and that freakin foot synth are very cool and add another dimension. the little theremin like noises he throws in are awesome!

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 12:03 pm
by headnugg
BeatingHippies wrote:
Conan seemed to receive em pretty well. He doesn't drop good song to just anyone. But hes also run out on stage and say "That was stunning." so take that as you will. If Conan really likes a band he makes it pretty clear during his intro and he seemed not to really be familiar with the Slip.
actually, I watch him all the time and literally every show when the performance is over he goes up to the band and makes very deliberate eye contact w/the frontman and always says "that was great" every single time......But I will agree that if he knows a band and likes them, he pumps them up in the beginning of the show......He did seemed to be pumped that the Slip was from Boston tho.....