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Post: # 5603Post Pstehley »

Today (thursday July 7th) I dropped the bomb that starting July 11th is my 2 week notice...

My boss is on vacation this week, so I was going to call him this morning and go up to his house to meet him and tell him in person. So I call him on the phone and ask to meet with him and he tells me he can't that his brother died yesterday (later on this morning, I found out that his brother was 43 and died unexpectantly from a heart attack...)... so I had to tell him over the phone, not something I wanted to do. I felt sooooo horrible afterwards, but Pam said it's not my fault and I did what I had to do.

I'm at work now, I let my manager know (funny, she's moving on too...)... and am trying to start the ball rolling on this...

Pam and I are moving the 23 and I start out there on the 25... hopefully, we'll be able to find something relatively quickly and can move out completely there after.... but for the mean time.. I'll be squating with some friends... already tracked down a couple good brew-houses so if anyone wants to grab a beer, drop me a line.... I'll be here for 2 more weeks.. then I might be a little incognito... ya know.. briefly... and with that..

here's a monkey...

Last edited by Pstehley on Mon Aug 01, 2005 5:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post: # 5779Post Pstehley »

sooooo.... today and tomorrow and I'm outta hear... I never want to Pack again!!! So I might be a little incognito for a while..

We might have some places lined up to live... but we want to go see them... and then hopefully everything will go smoothly... (although, I doubt it highly.... :lol: ) So wish me luck kiddies... probably the next time you really hear from me.. I'll be on the good side of pennsyltuckey... right diesel?

Wish us luck....

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Post: # 5782Post Tara »


Good Luck guys!!

"You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star." F. Nietzsche

Post: # 5787Post Robyn »

Good luck Pat & Pam! I know you'll find a great place. And hey Pat, make your boss some cookies or something....it's just a nice gesture :)
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Post: # 5789Post Pstehley »

Robyn wrote:Good luck Pat & Pam! I know you'll find a great place. And hey Pat, make your boss some cookies or something....it's just a nice gesture :)
I understand what your saying there... but it's not that kind of job.. and it wouldn't be viewed as too good of a thing... plus.. I don't want to seem like a suck up... I'll just avoid being myself for a year.. then I'll let the asshole out... :twisted:

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Post: # 5791Post Robyn »

Ok, well I was talking about your old boss you know the one you said lost someone. Anyhow, good luck and have a fun adventure, as I'm sure you will!
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Post: # 5801Post JV »

good luck buddy
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Post: # 5826Post Pstehley »

Well.. I'm officially out in Pittsburgh... took 5hrs to load the truck from our apartment... drove 4 hrs to altoona, then it took us 1 hr to unload the truck into storage units (this really pissed me off)... :lol: I'm a little worn for wear... but still I'm excited... Pam and I are looking at a place on wed so hopefully well find something relatively quickly. I'll keep you all posted.

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Post: # 5827Post tim »

awesome! now i have three friends in a city i have no desire to visit!!! seriously though, i'm coming up when the slip plays. i'd come up for the ravens game as well but it's on a monday that also happens to be halloween :x
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Post: # 5848Post Pstehley »

any time bevis....

had my first day of work yesterday... it was pretty easy actually... just had to go over a bunch of safety stuff.... and get this, today, my biggest responsibility will be to cook chicken or vegatables... yeah... the polyurethane building is having a big barbeque which will basically take the whole day... sweet...

Another cool thing, my supervisor told me that if I need to take thursday and friday off to look at houses to do it, just let him know and it's cool... (ie I'll still get payed..) He said he'd rather me worry about getting a house now than when I'm actually do work and will be distracted... anyway... it's early... gotta go get something to eat and then head to "work" today... I'll save you all some grilled zuchini.... 8)

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Post: # 5995Post Pstehley »

We looked at like a total of 7 houses (some were pretty bad...) but we found a really nice one in the Dormont/Brookline area of Pittsburgh...

we sign the lease on thursday or friday... and we'll start moving stuff in that night (already got a truckload full)... hopefully then, Pam will find a job real quick (there is actually a daycare right around the corner from the house... they'd be stupid not to hire her.... but we'll hope...)

so if anyone ever needs a place to stay in pittsburgh... just let me know... alright... :D

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Post: # 5996Post tim »

that's awesome, good for you two. i have a friend in pitts who works in pam's field of business and can probably hook her up with a great job, you should drop him a line.
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Post: # 5999Post Pstehley »

That's funny...

yeah... we know all about your friend... and if you ever want to see him again, I expect money, in small unmarked bills sent to me at a disclosed location... I'll give you more info as time goes on...
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

if you ever need somewhere to crash...

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the 'burgh

Post: # 6032Post jenn »

yay!!!!! glad to see you're in pittsburgh!!! (the last time i had checked these boards, you were trying for the job still, so congratulations!!!) if you need any help or advice or want to know the best 24 hour laundromat/blueberry pancakes/cranberry and vodkas/place to see the skyline, feel free to email (jtkocs at gmail). i'm movin back to pittsburgh from boston next week, and i can't freakin wait!!! :)


Post: # 6037Post Guest »

Congrats! On the new homestead ;) I knew you two would find something of substantial quality...I mean you're Pam & Pat, right? LOL
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