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The Weight of Solomon
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star wars

Post: # 4994Post tim »

did anyone else see this yet? i really enjoyed it. there was interesting social commentary in the plot line that seemed to be dealing with our current war on "terror" and the realities of power and democracy. yoda also kicked some serious ass.

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Post: # 4995Post Cleantone »

Just got home from the theater. I had been sick and also wanted to let the hype die a little before going. Didn't want to wait too long though. I loved it. Obviously the best of the new trilogy. Even though you know whats gonna happen for the most part it is pretty cool to see the story come full circle. I think I may watch EpIV today. Some plot hole for continuity between the old and new Trilogy but I can get over it easy enough.
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Post: # 4996Post Pstehley »

well... after the disaster of the last film, I thought this was actually pretty good. It also really fills some of the holes.

Pam and I saw it at the drive in.. it was cool... drinking some beers... my buddy James saw it back home ballzin' wed. @ midnight... well.. at least he wasn't dressed up as a character...

Also tim, I agree with what you're saying about the social commentary... Like when Padame (sp?) says to anakin if we're sure we're fighting on the right side.... I often wonder if fighting for "democracy" in Iraq is really the right side and if we should just not meddle the whole middle east situation. It's like the Korean war all over again with the domino effect of communism approach...

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Post: # 4997Post Katie »

I saw it last night. Some of the acting isn't great, there's probably plot holes, and a billion other things critics could pick at.... but I could care less, I liked it anyway. Some of the most intense Jedi fights, but I wonder why they chose not to show too much of Vader killing people...

The themes of power and corruption are certainly relevent now, even though the basic plot was written decades ago... There are certain elemets in the screenplay that make the comparisson even more meaningful like the use of the line 'If you're not with me, you're with the enemy,' when Bush said something like 'If you're not with us, you're with the terrorists'. Makes you think....
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Post: # 5002Post tote »

They're all siths. Just look. Top one is Zed Miller btw.
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Post: # 5003Post JV »

i liked it...and i didnt even like the last two one's made. that being said, the dialouge seems like it was written by lucas' grandchildren. i thought anakin's instant switch to the darkside was kinda weird...overall it was sweet tho.
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Post: # 5010Post gabe »

The acting was so hilarious at points. When they're on the lava planet, and Padmé says "I've heard you turned to the darkside?!?!1/1!1?1" and Anakin responds along the lines of "What, no, that's preposterous! Darkside... pchaw!" and then it just flashes a shot of obi-wan standing there all heroic... classic. And friggen Yoda jumped on a guys chest and stabbed him through it at the same time. And Sidious' voice. AWESOMENESS. It's funny how crappy dialogue can be so crappy it's funny and therefore add to the movie(grammar).

Overall though it was my favorite of the prequilogy too.

The visuals were of course awesome too, one of the best opening sequences i've seen in a while.

I haven't seen it yet...

Post: # 5011Post Robyn »

But I am curious; does it at all go into the story of Padme being Leia and Luke's mother? I would like hear more about that. I certainly hope it touches that subject; after all she's the Mom.
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Post: # 5018Post Pstehley »

it does but I don't want to say anything and spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it.... go see it at the drive-in if you have one!

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Post: # 5044Post diesel »

drive in.. pffftt. around these parts, we have these things called 'malls' and they stores and movie 'theatres' in them.

Pennsyltucky.. :P

yeah i cant wait to see this. tim, want to see it again at the senator on tuesday night?
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