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ISO Brad solo acoustic

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 4:42 pm
by tom
My computer just died on me, so my friend gave me a laptop but it has no burning capability :cry: So i was wondering if someone out there would BnP me a copy of any of Brad's solo shows. I would greatly appreciate it. Hope all is well out there for everyone!

Thanks -Tom

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 5:20 pm
by Dan
What happend to your computer... maybe i can help save it with out spending hundreds on a tech guy, and another hundred for a new HD

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 5:35 pm
by tom
My old computer died in a flood in our basement and the one i had going is my bro's from his college years. The thing is ancient, windows 98 pentium two. People's hand held computers are better than this thing. It was riddled with viruses, so my buddy, who is a tech support for Morgan Stanley, got rid of windows and hooked me up with linux. That worked for a while but i never updated the linux versions, so now it blows. So slow, i cannot even get IM. So my buddy gave me a IBM Thinkpad 600x w/ pentium3 for free. He says there are hundreds of them in the office that no one uses cause they are out of date. To me, a nontechnical person, this computer flies and does everything i need, except burn cds. So if you have any suggestions i would love to hear them. Maybe i can install a burner on this laptop? I don't know. Thanks for your help. -Tom

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 9:55 pm
by Dan
Most external burners are pretty cheap now adays. That really sucks about the flood. And linux is a free distro so you can always download them.... but you got to burn them. Sooo, id say see if your D:/ drive will come out. Most due, but IBM might charge you gazillion dollars. Id ebay it or just ask guys at comp usa or what ever.

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 6:35 pm
by macfly
tom - shoot me an e-mail with your address and i'll send you a copy of 2/27/03. no b&p needed :)


Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 12:45 pm
by tom
Dan thanks for the help, my buddy is just gonna get me a better machine from his office, gotta love free stuff.

Adam, email on the way. Thanks! :lol: