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2001-08-24/25 Torrent

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 10:52 pm
by Del
The Slip
Evolve Festival
Antigonish, Nova Scotia
August 24 & 25, 2001

Source: SBD > DAT > WAV > CDR
Lineage: CDR > EAC > CD Wave > mkwACT > SHN

August 24
1. ???
2. Palookaville
3. Circle Dance Jam
4. Dogs On Bikes

August 25
1. ???
2. ???
3. Weight of Solomon
4. ??? (with Dave Lauzon from nero)
5. ??? (with Jeff Heisholt & Jeff Kornblum from BNB)

There are a number of problems with this recording:

The tape ran out the first night so Dogs gets cut
off and the set is incomplete.

Tracks 1 and 2 from the second night are the same
tune but the tape was stopped for a minute so the
track is split.

The show is ripped from a CDR I got from the taper
years ago and some scratches on the disc resulted
in some skipping during track 4 of the second night.
Track 5 skips a few times, but just the first few
seconds of the tune.

The second night's set is not complete either, but
this is all I was given.

Despite all these drawbacks this is a great show
and the sound quality is excellent. ... nf.torrent