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12/3/99 SBD Torrent

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 5:30 am
by harrymcq
Just re-seeded this one! The Weight of Solomon with Brad on real piano is off the hook. Great older show as well and it sounds SWEET!!!

This link has been updated to the fixed files

The Slip - December 3, 1999
Gifford Annex Lounge
Middlebury College
Middlebury, VT

Source (most likely): SBD> sony M2-R50 MD> CD-R
Transfer: EAC > MKW > SHN > CD > Max 0.7.1 > FLAC
Transfered and uploaded by Brian Donoghue (
Ripped from CD's using Max 1/07 harry AT

Re-encoded and re-re-seeded 1/24/07 harry AT
because of MD5 errors caused by Max

Disc 1:
1. Flight of the Peruvian Dragonfly
2. Camp Shuey
3. Munf
4. The Highlands
5. You Might Say

Disc 2:
1. Co-op City
2. Weight of Solomon
3. Summertime
4. Kid Nikki
5. Nellie Jean
6. Tempus Forget It

Disc 3:
1. Torque
2. Don't Foil the Mohel
3. A Logical Path
4. Dogs on Bikes

Disc 4:
1. Concubus (Cumulus on sitar)
2. Andrew vocal improv

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 6:30 am
by hoby
In the words of the great poet Keaneau:


Thanks Harry!

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 9:11 am
by etahn

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 10:15 am
by magpie
cool :D
thanks harry!

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 11:20 am
by Cleantone
The source I had for this was: SBD>sony M2-R50 MD>CD-R

Brian Donahue is a friend of mine. I probably got it from him or visa versa.


Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 1:29 pm
by harrymcq
Man for being such a lossless junkie you'd have thought I could just hear that cracklin' MD gen in there but after what I've put these ears through who knows!

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 10:09 pm
by hoby
OK, so I've now downloaded this thing twice and each time I get a decoding error on every track when I try to convert to WAVs.


It's an MD5 mismatch error. Does that mean anything to you more conversant types?

Anybody else experiencing this?


Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 10:45 pm
by magpie
hmpf... i was just going to post that i didn't seem to be having any issues, but... alas! tracks 1-3 are fine, but i'm having errors with every one after that.
ERROR while decoding data

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 8:24 am
by hoby
Could there be an error in the txt file?

As suggested in one FAQ I read, I tried placing info for each file on separate lines and removing the little squares that separated file info when it was all one line. No luck.

Would redoing that one file and posting the text help?

Grasping at straws with little or no actual knowledge...


Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 1:49 pm
by harrymcq
Hmm, I did a little poking and it is a (newly) known problem with the program I use to encode my FLAC's. For the more technically minded check this out: ... 57c9526adb

I am not sure what to do, I can decode the files fine on my Mac with xAct but if I do verify them they do report the md5 error. I am inclined to re-encode and pull the torrent.

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 3:15 pm
by harrymcq
Ok, I re-encoded this one using xAct and the files seem to check out fine, no md5 errors. I killed the old etree torrent and started a new one, see the updated link above.

This was all necessary because of a programming error in the software (Max 0.7.1) which I was using to rip and encode. The developer has fixed it in his latest unstable build but I am going to wait for it to percolate out into a stable build before I start using it for distribution of FLAC files again.

If you were able to decode this one fine there is no need to re-download, the audio that you were able to extract is just fine. Please do not distribute the original fileset without re-encoding however.

Happy listening and sorry for the hassle!

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 3:21 pm
by harrymcq
Also forgot to mention thanks to Lumpy for the CD's!!!!!

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 4:03 pm
by harrymcq
Man, I feel like I'm talking to myself, have to find a smaller avatar :)

I figured out what went wrong. I double checked a bunch of other FLAC's I've ripped recently and they checked out fine. Turns out when I re-named the files to fit the standard convention the MD5 errors pop up. Not sure of the easiest way to fix this but I should be doing real work rather than messing around with Slip FLACs so I will get back to this later. In the meantime these new files should be a-ok!

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:54 pm
by harrymcq
Wow, am I setting a record for the most consecutive posts from one person?

I corresponded with Stephen Booth, author of Max and he said that he had fixed this problem as of 0.7.1. I checked and lo and behold these files were created with 0.7!!! Problem solved... whew!

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 7:43 pm
by putty
streak broken! whew.