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The Slip 1-31-98 *OLD GEM*

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 12:50 pm
by Pstehley
First and foremost.. thanks Clinton.. this show is freaking SICK!!
If you don't have it.. get it.. old school slippery-doo-da, slippery-day
Brought to you by Slipseeds:The Aptos Project

The Slip
Common Ground
Brattleboro, VT
source: Audio Technica 822> Sony D8> DAT
lineage: DAT Master> coax> VX Pocket v2> DP4> AIFF> xACT> FLAC
recorded by Jason Booth
transfered and mastered by Clinton Vadnais

disk one:

1. Children of Atlantis> 6:37
2. Island of Peace* 2:50
3. Cool #9 9:22
4. Yellow Medicine^ 15:28
5. ? 15:54
6. Highlands 13:31
7. Straight No Chaser 7:19 Thelonious Monk

disk two:

1. ?> 14:53
2. 5446 Was My Number 4:05 Toots and the Maytals
3. Cumulus 11:16
4. Alsoa 11:54
5. ?# 6:33
6. From the Gecko 16:41

disk three:

1. ?* 8:57
2. One of Those Moments* 7:15 Charles Mingus
3. Sea Legs 11:25
4. Munf 13:16
5. Honeymelon 14:18
6. Antiquity 7:46
7. outro 2:39

*w/ David Work on vocals
^w/ Yippy Yuck poem by Shel Silverstein
#w/ Brad on Wurlitzer

Not 100% on the recording info but I'm pretty sure it's correct.

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 1:05 pm
by Cleantone
Thanks for the help Pat! Enjoy. This is a good one.

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 1:14 pm
by Pstehley
MO DIGGITY!! It's awesome too!

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 8:40 am
by gaboni
yo! thanks Clinton and Pat(Pete), I thought it was funny that guy decided to call you Pete, anywho the effort is greatly appriciated even if your name is Pete or Pat, wait...

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 9:31 am
by Pstehley
Classic.... Think I'll just start calling myself Tim 3.1 edition
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 4:50 pm
by Dan
first track on disk 3 is

Rivers of Babylon by Jimmy Cliff

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 5:00 pm
by Cleantone
It's The Melodians actaully. It does appear on Jimmy Cliff's "Harder They Come" film/soundtrack though.

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 9:28 pm
by etahn
Here's a few updates for the setlist:

disk one:
3. Kool 9:22 John Scofield

disk two:
5. Entering Saugus# 6:33

disk three:
3. The Sentinel 11:25

Note that "Cool #9" is probably the single most mislabeled song in the entire Slip canon. In fact I have yet to see it properly identified (and yes, I'm sure it's the whole band out of step, not me). It appears on Scofield's Groove Elation album.

How could you all mis Saugus? Time to spin Gecko again, kiddies.

I can't swear to The Sentinel, but I'm damn sure it's not Sealegs.

And before I forget - this is one dope little recording. I haven't listened all the way through, but it's got that distinct "Booth's AT822 making yet another recording of the Slip in an intimate setting, complete with some of the crowd noise so we can remember that real people were there" sound to it. Tasty.

I also love the way Brad stops Gecko about 80 seconds into it, because he lost his only guitar pick. Classic.

While I'm thinking of it, anybody know the penalty in RI for shooting your neighbor's dog?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 9:45 pm
by Dan
Find Carlson to shoot it for you, Candy couldnt do it. (but he wanted to)

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 10:24 pm
by Cleantone
Thanks Ethan. I think this one was a case of me making the audio files and "banging out" a text file that I meant to update but never did. I've definitly had hard drives ful of DAT transfers that get backburnered. Then when I'm done with whatever had sidetracked me I can't remember the status of anything. DOH! For years I listen to almost only current recordings. The old songs names have been escaping me all too often. I remember at the Buttonwood show they played Munf. It had been so long since I had seen them play that one I couldn't even remember the name.

on a related note, I even have Groove Elation but never even knew Cool #9 was Sco. I kind of thought it was one of those semi-named tunes they used to play back then (fast blues, tune in 7, etc...)

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:25 am
by Big Bob
brad: 'thats a song that marc wrote and it needs a good name.'

guy: 'backdoor roast beef'

brad: 'no. i don't really like that name.'

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 5:21 pm
by RL
Thanks for the show! It's schweet!

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 8:12 pm
by torph
not to toot my old school horn (how can i be oldschool, i'm only 25?) but I was at this show and it was indeed sick. I lent brad my old DOD envelope filter in hopes of hearing a 'Generation What?', which was my favorite tune at the time. I think he used it for a split second on the honey melon jam.. Don't remember the whole show... But I do have fond- albeit stony, memories of having a pre-show dinner @ CG and later seeing an aquiaintance from little compton who was uattending vm at the time come in all hopped up on something durring alsoa.. kinda killed the vibe if i remember... oh those were the days....

Torphethusela and Slip Song titles

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 10:34 pm
by Phrazz
Torph you seem years wiser by and look years younger...I don't know what you do for food or exercise, but whatever is keep it up and maybe teach us your secrets sometime. :)

I never quite figured out that old school new school thing...seems to be a subject of lively debate in the Slipsterverse.

As for one song title question, I definitely side with Brad on the roast beef title (but he is also is purportedly responsible for Yo Yo Ma Ma Brown-Eyed Babushka, so who knows where that trend will go).

Other song title questions...hmmm...shall I make a list? Well, December's Kids jumps to mind, but Even Rats is more famous now. Then you got Gecko versus From The Ditto, Ernie Mickey (almost tricky), how many O's in OooOooO? [which ones do we capitalize?] noone even knows what a Melina is (maybe a little apple, but not an exact word I think and it sure sounds like "Mi-le-na" when he sings it), Pundey-a-mo has too many hyphens and we already know about Tinderbox. There's the lazy/gate, and Get Me with Fuji is second to Melina for the song most misspelled.

Does anyone besides "My Landlord" even know how to spell "Alleghany street"??? :) [I had to look it up on Mapquest myself, so I don't really know....] That's not a song title, but a frequent misspelling in posts.

Which brings us to the next oscillating song title. I like the ring of "Paper Birds" better, but I know My Landlord better (not my landlord, but the other My Landlord, who is not that anymore...anyways). We really need an "aka" and "fka" list, maybe "stbka" for "soon-to-be-known-as". :)

My next question is when will we see a title about or including Montreal and how long Brad and Andrew will take to become fluent in French. That leads me to the next question which is whether or when there will be a Slip song title tout en francais?

So the Deal is Cool #9 is really Kool or there's two Sco songs with similar titles? I have a very limited Sco collection and I'm too lazy to look up his repertoire online, also I have a tendency to completely overhaul all SlipBase titles that are incorrect so I need a guarantee on this one, please.

Entering Saugus...I don't know about that one. It's ok for the mellow patrol, but not sure I'd put that in my top 10 list. Now Yellow Medicine and Johnny's Tune, definitely yes.

Actually Jimmy Cliff and the Melodians were tight, so it's quite possible they worked together on that one. It has elements of Cliff-ness in the lyrics, so I'd have to say they shared a few during the sessions. It took me about seven listenings before I realized The Harder They Come was not all done by the same mastermind (I blame St. Paul's Prep School for not informing their student who turned me onto that fine opus rastafarii).

If songs are out of line name-wise, we really can't blame the tapers who try like hell to give them decent names ahead of time. We also can't blame Booth and his camera for Fuji -- that mountain was here long before we were and will be there long after we're gone.
My family formed of this mountain,
born of the rocks and trees reaching to our shores.
Pat, what's with the table? Just give it a 5 if it's really good, 1 if it sucks and you don't need the Rating to Points Lookup Table. Aww geee....

If Jimmy Cliff is the Melodians, then Pat is definitely Pete. What's in a name anyways?

Oh yeah, "Wine and White Soda" is the most recently messed-up song title. There will be more where that came from...all part of the fun.


P.S.: I have a DoD envelope filter, but it's no match for a genuine Mu-Tron! Originals are very hard to find....

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 11:02 pm
by sm
and lets not forget, LETS NOT FORGET, chrysanthemum... i always forget, though, (do i need to insert the wink?), is it something learned or sometimes there's wine? im thinking something learned... i suppose a quick check and cross reference to slipbase would set me straight...

paper birds will always be my landlord to me.

and whats this about wine and white soda? not so?

they should change decembers kids to children of the zeroes and really fuck with everyone.
