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Suprise Me Mr. Davis 11/23/2005 on etree

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 3:19 pm
by Guy from RI
This is my first time doing this, if I screwed up drop me a line and help me out.

Surprise Me Mr. Davis 11/23/05 Winston's San Diego, CA
source: Sony ECM-MS907> Sony D8 (3' high, onstage)
lineage: Sony PCMR300> HHB830> CDR> FLAC> AIFF> DP4> xACT> FLAC
recorded by Kenny Shook mastered by Clinton Vadnais

01. Rise and Shine (Sleepy Head) 6:23
02. When a Woman 7:52 *
03. Sisyphus 5:16
04. The Shouters 8:47
05. Everything Must Go 3:21
06. Red Sky> 5:39
07. I Hate Love 8:27
08. I Want to Heaven to Before I Die 4:24
set two:
09. /Summer of My Fall 3:42
10. Wine and White Soda 8:26
11. Back in 15 Minutes 6:18
12. All I Saw Was You> 4:37
13. "Instrumental" 6:39 #
01. Unprotected Sex Song 5:07
02. "cup trick" 2:13
03. Fat King of Gods 5:57
04. Rubber Ball 10:23
05. One of Us Standing 7:38
06. Understand Under 6:59
07. The Real World 8:51
08. encore: 3:37
09. Rolling Home 7:31
10. Poorboy 8:11
11. 19th Nervous Breakdown 9:20

Rolling Stones

* debut, written during soundcheck in L.A.

# written in Santa Cruz during soundcheck

Nathan Moore - vox, guitar
Brad Barr - vox, guitar
Marc Friedman - vox, bass
Andrew Barr - vox, drums and percussion

need seed!

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 4:02 pm
by magpie
etree says there's one seeder on, but my bittorrent says there's none...

need seed! need seed!
c'mon folks, dyin to hear this one...

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 4:09 pm
by Guy from RI
I'm trying, my bt saysthat no one is trying to connect, maybe restart your BT here and there and it'll connect. The intraweb is a fickle mistress

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 4:39 pm
by Guest
I'm open to suggestions

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 5:07 pm
by magpie
have tried quitting bittorrent and restarting, as well as dumping and redownloading the torrent link, same thing... i show X number of peers, but no seeders... although etree clearly shows you as a seed.

just as a test i just started up another torrent, and it's rolling just fine...

cleantone, anyone... any ideas??

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 5:45 pm
by Cleantone
Sorry, I was mastering some tunes. I just posted what I think will be the fix for this situation.

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 2:54 pm
by lumpy
wow. The "instrumental jam" on this show is worth the price of admission alone. I think surprise me mr. davis is fantastic at this particular style of playing.

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 3:47 pm
by SpaceIsThePlace
i cannot get this to dl. my bit torrent client is pretty hit or miss. would anyone be kind enough to help me out with a b and p?

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 7:50 pm
by Cleantone
There are 8 people stranded on this right now. YOU could save them.

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 10:26 am
by sm
this show is incredible.

this is the kind of music i love to hear from these guys. this show has it all. the emotional rock n folk n roll with the slippytrippyness thrown around the mix, the nathan factor, and swingin'!

i love it.


Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 2:24 pm
by Guest
I've been waking up everyday with Sleepyhead or Rise and Shine in my head. I know I'm not the only one It really does help to get me up and out of bed and started with my day......amazing how special music and words really work magic, thanks guys and yes, this show kicked asssss-ss-ssss! They really hit home that night and they we're really shreddin like hell that night. Great way to end the tour. Next time they play so cal you all must come out and join us, that would be SWEET!

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 4:06 pm
by sm
i just burned 6 or so copies of this show to pass around to some people at the fundraiser in kitchener tonite.

that sleepyhead opener is frickin' awesome!! and the melt into i hate is love is wicked... and i noticed on this show, and also 11.19.05, too (i finally got around to listening to them last nite), that I Hate Love seemed to be more swingin' than usual - really great energy.

from listening to past recent slip shows, and past recent smmd shows, i have a couple theories about the nathan factor and what he does to the boys, how it translates in the energy and the music.. once i get some more time and some other cohesive thoughts, i'll probably write more about it. but the bottom line is: he's good for them. and vice versa. i wanna see this stick.

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 3:15 am
by magpie
the bottom line is: he's good for them. and vice versa. i wanna see this stick.
hell yeah!

mr. davis

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 12:29 pm
by Pablo
would anyone consider a bnp for a farmer in old kentucky? i didn't really have internet access when this one was zipping right along and now i think it would take me 7 days to download. your help is appreciated. tak skal du han.

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 5:34 pm
by magpie
you looking for the 23rd, pablo?
i could probably do a b&p for ya...
shoot me a PM if ya want