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Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 1:38 pm
by etahn
Now playing:

Ice Cream Truck 8/7/04

If you haven't heard it, you definitely should. I could list these tapes as mne of my great Slip experiences of '04.

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 1:49 pm
by ScS
this show is worth it for the Soft Machine.
8-7-04: Tyrone Farms - Pomfret CT
Set 1: Brad/Andrew do a set of West African music with guitarist/singer Bobokar Giabate from Mali.
Set 2: Eube, Mudslide, Back in 15 Minutes, My Landlord->Fear of Falling, beautiful intro->Soft Machine, Sweet Thing!, Come Over, Proud@, Spice Groove->The Shouters#, More About Me%, Dogs on Bikes
Encore: December's Children->With or Without You^
Notes: set started at Sunset and went til about midnight, the stars came out over the stage area just as BAM was starting the set, one couldn't have asked for a more perfect night. ! Van Morrison cover, @ Proud featured vocals by Brad, # in the transition from Groove->Shouters Bobokar came out and sang for about two minutes, % last time they played this was a similar setting in Hillsborough for the BethelFest in 2002. ^ U2 cover, with Sara Azriel on vocals.
etahn, does this include the first set as well? did brad and andrew's set get taped?

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 1:54 pm
by Cleantone
did brad and andrew's set get taped?
Thats kinda like calling the Duo tour with Mike, Mikes new bands tour...

That was Boubacar Diabate's set! :twisted:

no biggie...

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 1:56 pm
by ScS
was it taped?

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 1:58 pm
by Cleantone
Yeah it was taped but it's never been given permission to circulate...

Thanks for hosting that for a bit!! Do you think you can add the text file for source and credit info?

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 2:31 pm
by Cleantone
slip2004-08-07-d1-t0..> 10-Jan-2005 13:15 42
slip2004-08-07-d2-t0..> 10-Jan-2005 13:15 42
slip2004-08-07-d2-t0..> 10-Jan-2005 13:15 42
These files do not seem to be complete either... What do you think?

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 2:31 pm
by Pstehley
Actually... that show my highlights are Eube (which Tim had to point out to me... yeah.. i was a moron..) and the sweet thing (even though they had to start it over... I just love that song.. especially when Van Morrison does it...)

Don't know what to say about Boubacar Diabate's set.. it was cool... but it was kinda monotomous... everything sounded the same.. (to a point).. maybe I was just so siked to have the slip coming on, but... none the less... it was interesting... good show all around though...

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 4:18 pm
by etahn
I've always been into the epic (and to my mind definitive (so far)) versions of Paper Birds, Fear of Falling, and PROUD!!!!!!!!!

Talk about hitting everything exactly right. I never really liked Fear of Falling until I heard this version, and while Proud and Birds became instant favorites, no version I've heard since then (admittedly, only about 8) has even come close.

Due to the technical difficulties noted by Cleantone, the serving of this show is suspended until I figure out just what my major malfunction is.

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 4:38 pm
by tim
again, i will ask, WHO THE HELL IS ETAHN?!?!?

j/k... i'm glad someone else out there agrees that the ICT verison of proud is the best to date. i too wasn't the biggest fan of fear of falling until the more recent versions where they've been incorparating the sampler. the intro jams with that thing have really been tweaking my mind. i heart the roland pad.

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 4:43 pm
by Del
It's funny, I've loved Fear Of Falling since I first heard it... 2004-05-27? I thought the way Brad sang along with the guitar was perfect. It still stands as my favorite Slip tune... To each their own I guess... I was lucky enough to catch Brad at the hotel after the most recent Hamilton, ON show, and he played it acoustic solo for me and about three other people, at my request... I was floored...

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 5:56 pm
by etahn
tim wrote:again, i will ask, WHO THE HELL IS ETAHN?!?!?
try and imagine someone like Leroy "Horsemouth" Wallace (that's pronounced "'Oss-Moat" or Winston "Jah Speeyah" Rodney saying my name, and perhaps you'll have an idea.

Or did you just think it was a typo?

On that note, everyone who hasn't seen Rockers absolutely should. It's hard to find in video stores, but I know NetFlix has it, so hit it up. Well worth a couple of hours.

Dread out.

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 6:07 pm
by tim
i thought it was a typo :cry:

ICT back up

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 1:25 pm
by etahn
I went ahead and downloaded the entire thing from OZ again, so we should be kosher now. Lemme know if there's any issues.


Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 4:09 pm
by etahn
I threw up an mp3 version as well. Don't lets be stupid about this folks.

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 4:21 pm
by Cleantone
Don't lets be stupid about this folks.
Yeah! Don't lets be stupid! :oops: