mp3 shows

Forum for discussion of taping and trading The Slip! See Subforums for Barrs, Davis, and other music.

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ID3 tags and such

Post: # 1872Post Dan »

By running the slipstream, i have to encode my Flac and SHN and sometimes the Waves into mp3, or Ogg. For my personal use i encode all my mp3's at 320 but while streaming, so i dont kill bandwidth i stream at 128kbs. The things i notice from .flac to .mp3 is the drums, crashes and high hats sound dull and deminished in mp3 and in flac it just sings to you.

Anyway i update all my id3 tags to a format as such
D1t1 Song Title
The Slip

02-23-2004 The venue The town, the state

then i have lyrics in my id3 tags and information such as notes from that set.

i dont think its a standard, but its on over 400 of my songs, and i like it and its easy to find venues and dates.

all the audiophiles out there, sorry that we are destoying your hard work, but i have backed up all the shn and flac that is now mp3. Also i notice, for how big .wav's are they tend to load the fastest in any music player there are. Something about the seamless codec.

night tired

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