Tyrone Farm 8/7/2004

Forum for discussion of taping and trading The Slip! See Subforums for Barrs, Davis, and other music.

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Tyrone Farm 8/7/2004

Post: # 11187Post Guest »

Does anybody have this show?? Tyrone Farm - The Ice Cream Truck 8/7/2004. I was at the show and would love to get a copy of it. mastrK13@hotmail.com if anyone wants to help me out
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who's got my ice cream?

Post: # 11220Post Phrazz »

Truck. If it's hidden, maybe it's for a reason? As a site admin, you could guess why.

If Diesel wants to help out, let him make the call. I have the show, but would only consider if someone took the time to register. :) [This also protects the registrant from spam, where posting the email as is does not.]
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Post: # 11225Post mastrK13 »

except I wasn't logged in

Post: # 11241Post Guest »

hey thanks alot, I've been wanting this show since I was at the concert
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Post: # 11242Post Cleantone »

...and correct me if I am wrong but that would be to allow fans to aquire and trade said taped shows. What's with this attitude of superiority, like, "yeah, we know where the show is, you could even d/l it right now.....but, instead well just talk a bit of shit for a while." imho this is not the community vibe that we should strive for.
That is not the deal. It just happened to be on someone's personal part of the site and I assume the 2 who made mention didn't want to link to it themselves hoping the owner would see this and post it himself. I have to assume he didn't see this. That is not a public part of the site though it is probably fine to link to it. Maybe I'm wrong about that.
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Post: # 11243Post fourthaye »

Yes Yes, I was emphasizing the point with a bit of drama, however I have seen this kind of attitude on the site a few times now, and it just kind of urks me. This show was linked somewhere else recently, perhaps on this board even? I don't feel like searching for it, but common, really, if this part of the site was so "private" then I wouldn't have been able to just link it like that. Were talking about sharing music with fellow Slip fans here, the community doesnt get to much more basic than shit like that. Rather than giving a quality response we have people here that would rather bitch about the guy being logged in. Thats just not how to build a fanbase, thats how you scare them away. Agh, to much mate n nicotene studyin today, but to get down to it, I still stand by the idea behind my statements, this place just has an air of superiority at times that really gets to me.
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response to fourthaye

Post: # 11244Post Phrazz »

forthaye wrote:
....and correct me if I am wrong
Ok, since you asked. Yes, you are wrong. People don't post links for a reason, and that's because they want to share selectively. That's their perogative. Also, it's a lot nicer to the server. Servers crash when they get too much traffic. But you've obviously never run a server, or you'd know this.

There's also a social cohesive force called etiquette, and in this area there are more than a few who share your attitude. I'm concerned because I already warned not to post the link, and you did exactly that. Talking about superiority is diverting attention from the real problem: people have a right to share what they want to share, not have someone else do this for them. This should be obvious, especially after the responses. Reading and writing have nothing to do with superiority. We're talking merely about operations here.

You'll notice the link doesn't work anymore. If you want the show, share the old-fashioned way. The Internet is not your oyster. Some things are worth striving for, not just to be handed the keys to the highway.

[ At least someone registered...so that's cool. As for show grovelling, this is an art, not a license or inalienable right. ]


P.S.: Try developing a friendship with someone, then ask for a favor the old-fashioned way. Trading shows is not trivial, recording is not and neither is running a site (with hundreds or thousands of fans). We do not have the bandwidth to download this show times 500 people. This is a free site. Paid sites have that kind of bandwidth, which is why you pay for d/l there. Seems people may think it's a right to have everything for free, and this idealism is easy whent they're not the ones paying for the entertainment.

P.P.S.: First you say you have a problem with airs of superority, then you lecture us (me?) about building a fanbase. Obviously you have some skills in this area, so please tell us how to do this in a "positive energy" way. Exemplify your excellent attitude by saying how you would respond. Maybe we'll change our ways so much that you'll be comfortable once again.

personal attacks are not tolerated

Post: # 11247Post Guest »

ALSO, my post above has been edited!! And not by me!! Seriously, thats some bouguise bullshit right there. Altering my words. Who the hell do you think you are! Unbelievable
I am the Site Admin and you have violated our Charter.


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Post: # 11253Post diesel »

ah jeez, what a mess. to the dude who wanted the show, pm me.

this sure did get out of hand, but i guess im partly to blame. phrazz didnt know that i had put the link on a public blog.
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Thank you...

Post: # 11263Post Phrazz »

...for your apology and the others who understand. It's not easy to run a site, and it's harder when big content gets spread far and wide too fast. I'd prefer not to link to here from other sites...there is yousendit and other services where the content can be offloaded. Email is ok since it's a limited distro.